Node-RED Companion

I have with Node-RED Companion 1 entity that refers to 1 switch that I can control in HA to switch between node red nodes and flows it does what I want but would like to have more than 1 such switch I have been searching for a long time can’t find anything anywhere can anyone help me with it

Not sure if I understand the question. But you can create entities on your nodes in Node Red itself. Scroll down and at the very bottom you will find a “Expose As” option. If you use that you create an entity for HA to control.

I have been working on it I was looking for another way but with this way I have the desired influence on the node red flow thanks I am now still looking for a way it doesn’t matter if it is in node reason or in home assistant but I am looking for a way to add a set number or input number with helpers that wants in to the measured sensor value to adjust the control in node red or just compare the set point and the measured value and send that through to node reason as the sensor how can this be achieved ?

Perhaps you are looking to create entities? If that is the case you will find another set of nodes further down in the left side pane, that will let you do that.
