Hi, I’ve been using HA and Node-Red for a year maybe. Mainly to tie various brands of devices together and have a play.
I’ve been using the titled pallet since then and it’s been bomb proof… Until yesterday. When asking alexa to control a virtual device the devices are not responding. It’s the same in the app. I’ve deleted and disabled them, refreshed, updated yada yada and when rebooting and asking alexa to discover, they don’t exist… Pigs.
Has anyone else had this problem? Basically have no voice control now. Back to getting of my sofa and pushing buttons like a peasant…
as a workaround for you, try running openhab somewhere, it has a free alexa integration and you can use node-reds openhab node. I found this solution even more stable as it does not reconnect to alexa everytime I active nodered.
I add extra parametrs to the request, like the topic to what room it was said
then I check if I want to talk with ChatGTP instead of Alexa
I split sentences that contain the german “and” into multiple requests
followed by request for duration and delay
and then I check if a room was mentioned, so I override the topic
and then send this request to a room like this:
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/computers/beeps_tones/beeps_tones_12" />
<amazon:emotion name="excited" intensity="medium">
Dies ist deine Erinnerung, Wasser zu trinken!
<break time="100ms" />