For many months the google email integration for Node Red worked fine, when I had a door open, etc I would get a text on my phone, via sending an email to my cell phone number
I believe the integration still works, and I know the text to email portion still works, but now for whatever reason I get a lot of emails that say they have been delayed by google as the server is unavailable.
Wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if they found a fix?
I got it working via Node Red / Home Assistant, so i believe the issue might be with Gmail. I show in my gmail account that the email was sent but it never arrives as a text message for me on my phone…
I don’t have that service but it might be because I’m using Node Red.
I see that the Node Red portion is working OK, I think its on the gmail end, since I manually tried to send an email to my text message address but it didn’t go through…
No I do not have that Add On installed. I use the Email Node in Node Red. Just tested with my yahoo account and that worked fine with my setup after creating an app password.
Seems to be an issue with Gmail not delivering the messages