Everytime when I open the “events: state” node on nodered I always get this error message 3 times:
“You probably haven’t deployed since adding a server. Do that for autocomplete to work.
Cannot GET /homeassistant/d47746f0.b89a08/entities”
make sure you have the right “Home Assistant” server selected
You may have more then one server in nodered if you have been copying and pasting example flows you can check my selecting “Info” tab on the right hand side then navigating the dropdown menu if you have more then one you can remove the ones that are not yours by clicking on the settings cog an clicking delete in the top left,
if you remove a server which has nodes/flows attached to it you will need to edit them and change them to the configured server
hope this helps and solves the issue
Also just seen your other post HERE which im guessing this is the same issue still, at a guess have you configured the home assistant servers access in the settings cog ? if not then nodered isnt communicating to your Home Assistant instant more information can be found in the Github/Wiki
Funny enough:
The solution to the problem was pressing the “deploy” button. Literally the thing the error message was telling me. I just didn’t know what deploy was.
I assumed you had already deployed