Node-Red flow simple question, minimum time for state before sending message

Hi all,
I have a home generator which is monitored by GenMon. I’ve setup a simple flow which watches generator battery voltage. If voltage gets below 11, it sends a notification to my phone. The problem is when the generator starts, voltage will dip below 11 for 15ish seconds. This then sends me a notification.

How can I set a minimum time of low voltage state, something like if voltage is below 11 for 20 seconds, then send message?

Appreciate any help, Thanks!

I assume you are using a “events: state” node to trigger when below 11. This node also has a “for x minutes” field you can use. So if you set it to “< 11 for 20 seconds”, you should get what you need.

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@michaelblight, thank you. My first node was “edit mqtt” node, i thought since GenMon uses mqtt, that is what I needed, but tested the “events:state” node and it looks like it should work as I’d like.
Thanks again.