Node red, function node. Trigger on state changes not working

I have made a function node with following code.

var v_time = new Date();
var v_currentTime = (('00' + v_time.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ('00' + v_time.getMinutes()).slice(-2));
var v_state;

// Constant definitions
const c_topic = "Morning1 ON";
const c_payload = "on";

// Time limits
const c_minTimeWeek = '05:30';
const c_maxTimeWeek = '09:00';

// output decleration

if (v_currentTime < c_minTimeWeek) {            //min time
    context.set("n_statusNo", 1);
    v_state = 1;
    context.set("n_statusText", "Min time");
else if (v_currentTime > c_maxTimeWeek) {       //max time
    context.set("n_statusNo", 2);
    v_state = 2;
    context.set("n_statusText", "Max time");
else {                                          //in time window
    context.set("n_statusNo", 3);
    v_state = 3;
    context.set("n_statusText", "In time");

const c_different = context.get("n_statusNoPrev") !== context.get("n_statusNo");
context.set("n_statusNoPrev", context.get("n_statusNo"));

if (c_different) {                                  //value changed!
    msg2.topic = c_topic;                           //print notification
    msg2.payload = context.get("n_statusText");
    msg2.state = v_state;
    msg2.prev = context.get("n_statusNoPrev");
    msg2.diff = c_different;
    return [null, msg2];
else {
    if ((v_currentTime > c_minTimeWeek) && (v_currentTime < c_maxTimeWeek)) {   //in time window
        msg1.payload = c_payload;
        msg1.state = v_state;
        msg1.prev = context.get("n_statusNoPrev");
        return [msg1, null];    

I try to only send notification when there is a state change.
But it is not fully working.
Sometimes I get fauls triggers with no payload.
Is there anybody that knows how to solve this problem.
The fauls trig offen comes the first time the input is set.