Thats quite simple. You need to add a debug node and change it from Payload to FULL Message.
Then check the message for the value you need, and read from it. i.e. msg.attribute.brightness. You can do that with a switch node for example.
Hi @Anders_M_Olausson, I too am new to Node Red with HA, found this thread trying to do exactly the same thing I am trying to acheive, and after a few hours tonight i have got it all working
My solution is below.
Aim: To control my living room lights with a Xiaomi (zigbee) button, with context based on the current living room lights brightness
Single Click - Toggle Lights on/off
Double Click - Toggle between 255 and 127 brightness
Hold Button - Toggle between 127 and 9 brightness
requirement: light brightness value could be set to any value 1-255 via the LIFX app, or the HA webpage, the flow/sequance must account for any value of brightness.
once this is done, the message data in the sequance containes the living room lights data, which i can then feed into the switch node which looks at the brightness value and acts accordingly.