Node-Red: 'get entities' does not give all attributes

Hi all,

so I’m pretty new to the HA and node-red community, so maybe I’m just missing something.
I have HA, node-red, zigbee2mqtt and mqtt running in Docker.
In node-red I want to retrieve all the attributes of my thermostat (TS_0601) and I do the following:

However this only gives me some of the attributes.

    "entity_id": "climate.thermostat_buro",
    "state": "auto",
        "min_temp": 5,
        "max_temp": 35,
        "target_temp_step": 0.5,
        "current_temperature": 27,
        "temperature": 24,
        "preset_mode": "manual",
        "friendly_name": "thermostat_buro",
        "supported_features": 17
    "last_changed": "2022-03-15T07:46:24.459066+00:00",
    "last_updated": "2022-03-15T08:23:36.069722+00:00",
        "id": "3048a695f226f0acfeb4c8798ca42dde",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null
    "timeSinceChangedMs": 2427837

If I take a look at zigbee2mqtt I see in the state that there are much more attributes.

    "auto_lock": "MANUAL",
    "away_mode": "OFF",
    "away_preset_days": 1,
    "away_preset_temperature": 15,
    "battery_low": false,
    "boost_time": 600,
    "child_lock": "UNLOCK",
    "comfort_temperature": 20,
    "current_heating_setpoint": 24,
    "eco_temperature": 15,
    "force": "normal",
    "holidays": [
            "hour": 6,
            "minute": 0,
            "temperature": 20
            "hour": 8,
            "minute": 0,
            "temperature": 15
            "hour": 11,
            "minute": 29,
            "temperature": 11
            "hour": 15,
            "minute": 30,
            "temperature": 18
            "hour": 18,
            "minute": 30,
            "temperature": 20
            "hour": 22,
            "minute": 0,
            "temperature": 15
    "linkquality": 42,
    "local_temperature": 27,
    "local_temperature_calibration": 0,
    "position": 65,
    "preset": "manual",
    "system_mode": "auto",
    "week": "5+2",
    "window_detection": "OFF",
    "window_detection_params": {
        "minutes": 10,
        "temperature": 5
    "workdays": [
            "hour": 5,
            "minute": 0,
            "temperature": 20
            "hour": 8,
            "minute": 0,
            "temperature": 14
            "hour": 11,
            "minute": 30,
            "temperature": 15
            "hour": 12,
            "minute": 30,
            "temperature": 14
            "hour": 17,
            "minute": 30,
            "temperature": 15
            "hour": 22,
            "minute": 0,
            "temperature": 14
    "device": {
        "applicationVersion": 87,
        "dateCode": "",
        "friendlyName": "thermostat_buro",
        "hardwareVersion": 1,
        "ieeeAddr": "0x5c0272fffec9da08",
        "manufacturerID": 4098,
        "manufacturerName": "_TZE200_ckud7u2l",
        "model": "TS0601_thermostat",
        "networkAddress": 35730,
        "powerSource": "Battery",
        "stackVersion": 0,
        "type": "EndDevice",
        "zclVersion": 3
    "max_temperature": null,
    "min_temperature": null,
    "update": {
        "state": "idle"
    "update_available": null,
    "valve_detection": null

What am I missing? Thanks in advance.


It looks like its HA that is the cause.
You look at what is available at zigbee2mqtt, but Node-Red actually ask the entity climate.thermostat_buro
Look at the developer tools at what values are available on that entity.
And sometimes there can be more entities with more data, so look for those too.

I had the same thought that it could be a problem with HA. Before I went with the docker setup I had a hassio setup (with zigbee2mqtt) and there it worked like I would except it (had all attributes under the climate entity)

In HA I see the same attributes like in node-red

  - heat
  - auto
  - 'off'
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 35
target_temp_step: 0.5
  - none
  - away
  - schedule
  - manual
  - boost
  - complex
  - comfort
  - eco
current_temperature: 28
temperature: 24
preset_mode: manual
friendly_name: thermostat_buro
supported_features: 17

for example for the local_temperature_calibration (what I’m interested in) I have to go to thermostat_buro_local_temperature_calibration to see those attributes:

min: -30
max: 30
step: 1
mode: auto
unit_of_measurement: °C
icon: mdi:math-compass
friendly_name: thermostat_buro_local_temperature_calibration

Any idea why it worked with hassio and not with docker setup?