Node-Red giving a black screen

I made a HA installation by following this It is a great tutorial made by Richard Tirtadji!!

I installed the following addons: VSCode, Mosquitto broker, and Node-Red.

Node-Red with the following configuration:

With the following config:
credential_secret: *******
dark_mode: false
  username: ''
  password: ''
  username: ''
  password: ''
ssl: false
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
require_ssl: false
system_packages: []
npm_packages: []
init_commands: [] 

Unfortunately, when clicking on the Node-Red button (after starting) on the left I only get a black screen.
I don’t get specific errors but two warnings

[warn] [] Deprecated use of "nodes-started" event from "/opt/node_modules/node-red-contrib-actionflows/actionflows/actionflows.js:615:14". Use "flows:started" instead.
[warn] Projects disabled : editorTheme.projects.enabled=false

Configuration > Server Controles > Check configuration gives Configuration Valid

I’m just starting with HA. But hopefully, there is someone who can help to get Node-Red working?

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Kind regard,

The hardware I installed on is an RPi4 4Gb and an SSD. with Home Assistant 2021.1.5

I did a complete reinstall. Now it is working. Possible error could be that I put an user name and password in the config files of Node-Red.