Node-RED help wanted - integrating msg. in a JSON fromat

Hey there!

I want to create a scene where a lamp turns on at a certain brightness, that brightness I want to get from an input_number in HA.

So I get the state of the input_number and put it in msg.perc (it is a percentage from 0-100)


I get that number and put it in the brightness_pct part of the JSON.
When I run this, nothing happens and I get an API Error.

Please help I don’t know what I am doing wrong.
Thank you in advance!

I can’t try it currently, but if im not mistaken it should work like that:

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It worked! Thank you!

Does this work for msg. or also flow and global?

You can easily transfer the flow and global beforehand to a msg object with a change node.

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Thank you so much for all the info! Have a good day.