Node-RED + iCloud3 to trigger garage door via MyQ?

I am trying to figure out the best/most reliable way of triggering my garage door to open when I arrive home. I’ve tried a number of options but am currently using iCloud3 with the Home Assistant iOS app and now Node-RED.

I tried using:
Events: state with entity ID sensor.MyPhone_dir_of_travel Exact Is towards
Leading to
Wait Until with attributes.travel_time < 2 min
Leading to
Call Service - Domain Cover; Service open_cover; Entity ID cover.my_side (two car garage)

That showed the last state changed as In Zone even as I drove home from work for lunch (9 minutes travel).

I then disabled that and tried

Events: State with entity ID sense.MyPhone_travel_time being < 2 min
Leading to
Leading to
Call Service - as above

But this one opened the garage door after I left home and returned to my office after lunch…

Would greatly appreciate any advice/input on how to accomplish this and if I’m using the nodes correctly.
