Node-red: let motion control lights only outside bigtimer windows


Maybe this is a stupid question but i cannot seem to create following in node red:

  • i want several time windows where i want the lights to be permanently on (for example between 6 and 9 in the morning and between 6 and 10 in the evening)
  • i want to let the motion senser turn on the lights outside these “permanently on” time windows

I can get both working seperately, but i cannot prevent that the motion senser turns off the lights when it’s returning to the “off” state and the bigtimer time window is still in the “on” state. When bigtimer is off the motion sensor can turn the lights on or off when needed. I’ve tried with switches, boolean gates,… but i cannot seem to get it to work.

Maybe there is a super simple solution and am i making stupid mistakes… I’m using bigtimer because i also want other time windows for weekends and holidays, so i think using individual time ranges will make managing this more complex…

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction…

am not an expert but i can give you what i have already working on my home

i used bigtime to switch on LED from dusk - 50 mins till 11pm everyday and it work perfectly

as i said i am also learning ,no expert and willing to help

also you can use within time node if you want the light open in specific day /weak /month

How I handle these type situations is by setting a variable triggered by the BigTimer on/off events. Then I use a Switch node as a logic gate after the motion detector node to only allow the on/off from the motion detector if not during the permanent “on” state.

Hopefully that helps.