I love Node-RED. All my Home Assistant automotions are managed by Node-RED.
However I have sometimes unexpected results when I happen to restart or upgrade Node-RED, or sometimes even when just re-deploying a running flow. The reason is that most nodes states are lost when doing so.
It works beautifully and has a very interesting option : " Resume timer on deploy/restart" !
That changes everything !
I’m looking for the same option for some other nodes, like for example “limit” nodes that limit the number of message for a defined period of time, ‘gateway’, …
Do you know any other nodes that offer this capacity to persist on deploy/restart ?
How do you manage persistency with Node-RED ?
It may depends from usecase to usecase.
I consider fast changing data not worth persisting (like limiting to x messages per minute).
For slow data stream you can use persistenting of flow variables. it might mean a need to write own nodes (submodes) which stores own state.
Also some usecases might be not even worth of investment. Of course everyone has to evaluate that need.