Node-Red, Poll-state firing twice now on .108/6.2.0 (worked before, bug?)

I have a cover that comes from MyQ integration which is a garage door (actually two).

I have a poll state that is configured to output on changed, and every 60 minutes; it triggers a flow that announces in situations where it may have been forgotten.

It has been working for months. In the last couple days it started announcing twice, and I finally got around to looking, and the poll-state is firing twice when the door opens. Almost simultaneously; a debug node on the same output triggers to the same microsecond in the last-changed time stamp, so it definitely appears to be coming from a single event.

I have been updating regularly so I am not sure when this exactly changed, sometime around .108.mumble (on .5 now), and node red has also been updated a couple times I think, now on 6.2.0 (though I think this started between node-red updates, which are further apart).

There’s nothing in the node red log but a bunch of get for icons, etc. - usual startup stuff. There’s nothing in he HA log related. Node Red is from a supervisor install on, and as mentioned has been running fine for ages.

I haven’t noticed this for any other flows, though that may be the only place I use a poll state.

Bug somewhere? Any suggestions where to start?

I also just tried the obvious – I created a new flow with a light as poll state and debug output.

The poll state fires twice when the light turns on.

Node-red bug? Best to post issue on git?

I posted a bug on git here.

Anyone with comments might be better off there now.