Is there a way for NodeRed to capture a HA service? Specifically to capture the payload from being sent to the Notify service?
Yes that works. Use the Events Node for that. Connect it to a debug node and later filter for the correct value. This is a notification output i just sent from within HA:
Thank you @AlmostSerious. How do I filter down for notify service/object and extract the message?
I want to log it into a gSheets flow
First you check for the event_type. In my case that was a very generic: “call_service” and put it inside the event node like this:
Then you can further filter with a switch node for example.
If you only want the domain notify then you would put in the switch node:
msg.payload.event.domain = “notify”
Then you will only get output from the Switch node if this is true.
Then the message woud simply be in
That worked! Thank you