Node red - severe lag

Currently running a single box docker install of:

  • home assistant 0.91.1
  • node red 0.20.5 with node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket 0.10.2

I suddenly started seeing severe lag and non-responsiveness of my node red install. Automations will take tens of seconds to fire, if at all. Redeploying with just a minor change (i.e. node position) will result in instant responses for a minute or two, and then things will revert back to the degraded behavior.

My setup consists of a mix of zwave devices (via the aeotec stick) and esphome devices. I am not seeing any issues within HA itself.

I was originally a few months back on releases on all parts and upgrading all did not seem to help anything.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how to debug this?

Did you ever found a solution to this? I am experiencing the same thing.
Event went from Stand-alone Node-red to Hassio node-red to see if the latency would be less noticeable but no luck.