@oakbrad - Have you experienced this? I cant find any difference between family members but for this person it just doesn’t work?
@Ulisses_Nogueira do you experience the same problem? we talked about this in a older post some time ago that time it was another problem after an update of Node Reed
@oakbrad - I can confirm that something have changed non of my sensors --> device_tracker works anymore in Node Reed? (So either its an error or some update have broken the nice guide you made for doing this?
As a quick workaround I have created a sensor that states Home or Not_home
# Convert binary_sensor.victoria_presence-> into sensor.victoria_presence (Home/not_home)
- platform: template
"{% if is_state('binary_sensor.victoria_presence', 'on') %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}"
friendly_name: victoria
Then you’d need to replace binary_sensor.victoria_presence->sensor.victoria_presence in groups or pages to show in the gui (binary sensor itself will still display on/off, only the new sensor will display home/not_home)
The only drawback with this is when clicking on sensor.victoria_presence it won’t show the binary sensor history graph?
But it’s not really a nice substitute for the device_tracker icons on the HA UI, but at least they work!
Actually it (Node-RED) seems to be struggling with these bayesian sensors exclusively for some reason. Sometimes it’ll work, but then it seems like eventually NR can’t see the binary_sensor.xxxxx_presence entity any more.
I didn’t, but I ended up speaking to kermit on Discord about it, but it also hasn’t happened again since. I think I actually may have fixed it by changing the matching from Exact to Substring. It seemed to immediately kick in and sort itself out after I did that.
Hmm, maybe I’ve just been lucky since then, it’s probably worth reporting it if you’re still seeing issues though, and I’ll jump in if it happens again.
@Hansel I am getting this issue again after updating HA (0.93.1 raspb)
What exactly did you do to fix this?
“fixed it by changing the matching from Exact to Substring”
What do you mean?
Hey, the substring option only available for state nodes:
That said, unless it’s just a bug, I don’t really see why this would fix the issue (unless you have trailing spaces or something like that, so the Exact filter isn’t picking up the correct ID), so it may just have been coincidence that I haven’t had any issues since changing that.