Node-RED stopped working. All nodes stuck on connecting

Hi all.

I know there are a few topics with similar issues to this floating around but they all seem to be Hassio specific. I am not using hassio.

I have home assistant installed on a ubuntu PC in a python virtual env. I also have node-RED installed on the same machine for automations. I also use Let’s Encrypt for SSL. Since I use SSL, I have always used my external DNS name to get this to work. I cannot use localhost or IP, the nodes will not connect.

Suddenly my automations have stopped working. I haven’t even changed anything with the system. All my nodes are stuck on “Connected”. No states update at all.

I suspect this have something to do with the new authentication system but I am not sure how. I currently have the legacy auth method enabled only.

I am seeing a lot of events like this in the HA logs:

“Please change to use bearer token access /api/events”

However I was seeing these before and my automations still worked. I have no idea what changed. If anyone has any ideas of where to start to figure this out, I’d appreciate it greatly!

I think I’m having the same problem. Every thing says connected but the data is not updating.
If I restart Node Red it works for a little while but then randomly stops.

Take a look here: Home Assistant Community Add-on: Node-RED

I have experienced some stops and the watchdog solution is working for me

I had the same issue but have found out that the issue is not with node-red but the SSL you are usinng because of DuckDNS.

Using the in Node-Red will route all your requests thru the internet and back to your system. This is not ideal for your real-time node-red messages and can cause delays. I had occasional unresponsiveness or frezzes as well (depending on what node-call you are executing).

I’m now trying PIHole to keep my network traffic inhouse. This should improve the performance dramatically.

I will share my setup/config as soon all is working fine.

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Did any of you enable the new authentication mechanism?

If so, node-red-contrib-home-assistant is not yet setup to use it. See

TL;DR add this to your configuration.yaml for now:

  - type: homeassistant
  # below will be required for node red to continue to work.
  - type: legacy_api_password

@xx_Nexus_xx I am using PiHole to the exact same as you are. All my traffic is rerouted locally. I also have a rule in my router that redirects all DNS traffic on my network to my piHole. It keeps chromecasts from reaching out to Google despite what it gets from DHCP.

@droberts84 I am using the new auth feature and have the legacy_api_password enabled as well. I figured it was only inevitable before it was enabled by default. Can it be disabled? I’m on 76.1 now. It didn’t help with this issue.

@Shadex12: Would you share your config ?

@xx_Nexus_xx my configuration is pretty huge and divided across a lot of files. What were you looking for specifically and I’d be happy to post it

I’ve noticed that some of my automations actually do work, but the nodes are not showing events underneath them with timestamps like they used to. It’s making troubleshooting a lot more difficult as I have to debug each flow individually.

I still don’t understand why it is doing this.