Node-red wont start, SSL error

Hi, I’m trying to set up Node-Red on my HAOS-install, but it wont start.
I get a SSL error in the logs, so I’m thinking i have to disable it in the config, but there are no nodered-folders in my config folder.
So where can i find the config for this add-on, or can i just create the folders and files nescecary?
I have tried to reinstall the add-on and restart the server.

 Add-on version: 13.0.0
 You are running the latest version of this add-on.
 System: Home Assistant OS 8.2  (amd64 / qemux86-64)
 Home Assistant Core: 2022.7.5
 Home Assistant Supervisor: 2022.07.0 
[11:21:54] FATAL: 
[11:21:54] FATAL: SSL has been enabled using the 'ssl' option,
[11:21:54] FATAL: this requires a SSL certificate file which is
[11:21:54] FATAL: configured using the 'certfile' option in the
[11:21:54] FATAL: add-on configuration.
[11:21:54] FATAL: 
[11:21:54] FATAL: Unfortunately, the file specified in the
[11:21:54] FATAL: 'certfile' option does not exists.
[11:21:54] FATAL: 
[11:21:54] FATAL: Please ensure the certificate file exists and
[11:21:54] FATAL: is placed in the '/ssl/' directory.
[11:21:54] FATAL: 
[11:21:54] FATAL: In case you don't have SSL yet, consider getting
[11:21:54] FATAL: a SSL certificate or setting the 'ssl' option
[11:21:54] FATAL: to 'false' in case you are not planning on using
[11:21:54] FATAL: SSL with this add-on.
[11:21:54] FATAL: 
[11:21:54] FATAL: Check the add-on manual for more information.
[11:21:54] FATAL: 

It is a while since I fired up Node Red and I recall it was ‘interesting’ getting it setup but nothing so complicated in the end. I did upgrade to the latest version two days ago and it all went smoothly.

Everything is done via the add-on section.

Node Red on HA comes pre-configured, and several of the standard setup options are commented out on the NR config file as they are controlled by the UI setup in HA.

The add-on most definitely adds a folder ‘node-red’ to the config directory.
Inside this folder is a js file ‘settings’ which should ideally not be altered.
In the HA settings>add-on>node-red>configuration tab are the settings (controlled by HA not the setting file) including part way down SSL, which I have turned off. It did seem rather unnecessary and complicated to get this working, so I left it off.

There was an update to Node-Red 13.0.0 (version 3) two-three days ago. The configuration folder is not deleted when removing (or presumably updating). Is it possible that the recent update has broken the install and new installations are not creating the node-red folder?

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On the add on page there is a config tab, set ssl to false.


Do you mean this?

Or is there a config tab somewhere else?

Do you possibly not have advanced mode enabled in HA?

I don’t even know if that would cause that, you may need to reinstall, those options should be available.


advanced mode is turned on

do you mean reinstall HA? I tried reinstalling the add-on and restart the server.

The documentation tab, does it list info of all the options I show?

This is a new install, if not backup all you flows. remove the addon. There is a folder in ha named nodered add .old to the end restart the entire system from settings, hardware, three dots reboot host, then reinstall.

So there are no nodered-folder in my config-folder, and i suspect that is the root of my problem.
The installation of the add-on doesn’t seem to create the folder, and I wonder if it could have been created somewhere else, or if I can just create it manually?
Or is this just a bug with the new version that needs to be fixed?

Remove the addon and try to create the folder yourself, then try to install.



that did not help.
uninstalled the add-on, added the folder manually, installed the add-on, tried to start the add-on.
i get the exact same log output, and no new files are generated. it did take a long time before the installation finished though.
do you have other suggestions for fixing or troubleshoot this?

Can you try installing a different addon, that you dont have installed, like glances or esphome, they both create folders. Try to establish if this is all addons that are giving you problems or just nodered.

Okay. I tried to install the glances-add-on, and no folder showed up.
So then there’s probably something wrong with my HA-install then. Will I have to reinstall HA, or are there other things I can try?

You likely need to set permissions on the disk and I’m not 100% chown command. Create a new post in config, dont specifically mentioned nodered otherwise they usually categorize and send it back here. Some thing like cannot install addons will not create folder structure.

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Okay. Thank you for your help!

It suddenly started working, when i reinstalled the add-on for the n’th time.
Thanks for your help, and sorry for wasting your time.

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Ah it’s working, it’s a lot better than exhausting options and have the problem persist.

I did the same thing and had the same problem. After I cleared my browser history all the addons started working as they had before I removed the SSL and duckdns.

On my Homeassistant Yellow, I installed Node-RED via HACS and installed it via the Add-on Store.
I solved my SSL issues by disabling SSL:

  1. homeassistant web interface
  2. settings → add-ons
  3. Node-RED → configuration tab
  4. Scroll down and disable the switch toggle on the right side.
  5. Go the the information tab, start Node-RED
  6. It should now be available

I had issues finding the damned switch to toggle Node-RED off


thanks solved my prob

This solves my problem too! Thanks :pray:t5: