NodeMCU multi-sensor and interfacing to Hassio

Trying to replace a broken SmartThings setup at my mother’s house. Hassio on a Raspberry Pi 4. Talking to zigee and z-wave devices. Works well. I have a NodeMCU (ESP8266) with 2 switch inputs, 2 relay outputs, and a DS18B20 temperature sensor. I know I want my Hassio interface to be MQTT. I was headed down the path of using Tasmota on the NodeMCU but there’s some behavior there I don’t like. The main issue is changing switch input state and having a relay output also change state. I’ve been googling this for a couple days and haven’t stumbled on a clear way to change this Tasmota behavior. Today I’m wondering if Tasmota is the correct path for my NodeMCU multi-sensor?

I know custom code is an option. Are there other options? I like the idea of Tasmota but not some of it’s behavior.

Waaaay better than Tasmota for ESP boards:

Has a native API that talks to Home assistant, but if you prefer it also supports mqtt. Though the API has many advantages over mqtt.

Yes you’re absolutely correct! I’d been struggling with Tasmota on teh NodeMCU on and off for a few days. You and someone I was exchanging email with both suggested ESPHome. In a few hours I’ve got my multi-sensor completely configured and seen by HA. ESPHome is amazing! Now I need to learn how to integrate all these devices and sensors with HA and do the actual automation. Thanks for the pointer!