Trying to replace a broken SmartThings setup at my mother’s house. Hassio on a Raspberry Pi 4. Talking to zigee and z-wave devices. Works well. I have a NodeMCU (ESP8266) with 2 switch inputs, 2 relay outputs, and a DS18B20 temperature sensor. I know I want my Hassio interface to be MQTT. I was headed down the path of using Tasmota on the NodeMCU but there’s some behavior there I don’t like. The main issue is changing switch input state and having a relay output also change state. I’ve been googling this for a couple days and haven’t stumbled on a clear way to change this Tasmota behavior. Today I’m wondering if Tasmota is the correct path for my NodeMCU multi-sensor?
I know custom code is an option. Are there other options? I like the idea of Tasmota but not some of it’s behavior.