NodeMCU + Tastmota/ESPurna + GPIO Issue

Hello everyone, I am having trouble reading data using a NodeMCU.

I have these NodeMCU V3 Lua boards.

I have tried flashing it with Tasmota, Espurna, and generic Arduino examples. However, I am unable to read any data using DHT22, DS18b20, LEDs, and other sensors.

Generally connections are
Positive + to 3.3v
Negative - to GND
Data Pins to GPIO

I have tried all the pins and have looked at the schematics for Arduino GPIO Pins to use with NodeMCU D# pins.
None seem to work. Anyone have any advice?

Thanks in advance.

Everything works fine when using Arduino Nanos

What type of DHT22 board is that? Does it have the correct resistors and such on board?

It’s an am2302
I’ve tried with and without the resistor from 3.3v to data pin as well.

Anyone have any suggestions or have used these modules before?

Have you find a solution? I am late but I see that you connected DHT22 wrong. You need 1 space between first 2 wires from left(on photo) and the 3rd one.

I have not gotten it to work. What do you mean space between wires?

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