Nodemcu v3 multiple db18s20, only finding one sensor (at the time)


So after some struggle I give up (for a moment) =).

I have built a temp controller accordingly is my believe but as it isn´t working I guess not.

the strange thing is that I have 4 db18s20 wired sensor and if I connect them “one by one” they show up. very strange.

below is my config (removed sensor details as they dont even come up as 4 found sensors).

  name: nibe
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2

# probes DS18B20
  - pin: D2
    update_interval: 30s

Below is the schematic i have used with an 4.7k resistor.

[19:13:30][C][dallas.sensor:072]: DallasComponent:
[19:13:30][C][dallas.sensor:073]: Pin: GPIO4
[19:13:30][C][dallas.sensor:074]: Update Interval: 30.0s
[19:13:30][D][dallas.sensor:079]: Found sensors:
[19:13:30][D][dallas.sensor:082]: xyz…

does anybody have any bright idea?

some additional is that it´s wired sensors (2m each)

I’ve always have powered my DS18B20 sensors off of the 5v with long runs.

Try powering the nodemcu via 5v/USB and move the power to the sensors to 5v pin.


[15:33:26][C][dallas.sensor:073]:   Pin: GPIO12
[15:33:26][C][dallas.sensor:074]:   Update Interval: 10.0s
[15:33:26][D][dallas.sensor:079]:   Found sensors:
[15:33:26][D][dallas.sensor:082]:     0x5E02131A7D65AA28
[15:33:26][D][dallas.sensor:082]:     0x4902131A6393AA28
[15:33:26][D][dallas.sensor:082]:     0xB30069E200001928
[15:33:26][D][dallas.sensor:082]:     0xDD01142FDF00C728
[15:33:26][D][dallas.sensor:082]:     0xE00316554741FF28
[15:33:26][D][dallas.sensor:082]:     0x7B04165130D5FF28

thanks for the reply, i will check that even though I understand it should be ok with 3.3v. the good news is at least i found the problem why only one sensors was showing up. Did measure everything and the breadboard was broken (whats the odds on that? ) so now at least (after some re-cabling) i see all 4 sensors =) i will continue and hope it will go smoth now but many thanks for the input Akriss.
