Nodered corrupted, can not use inject node

It should, use your HA user/password, not what you entered on the config tab.

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Thank you ! It seems to work!

So I was having problems with the inject and debug nodes. This started after the latest nodered update.

My inject nodes were not greyed out but would show the move mouse icon when I hovered over them. I too could inject when I opened the node up. I able to get the ability to hit the button on the inject node if I opened up a HA node in the flow and clicked edit home assistant config…update…then redeployed all flows (wouldn’t work if I just hit redeploy for that flow). When I did this the entity ID would disappear from whichever HA node I selected…however I could successfully inject to turn on a light elsewhere in the flow.

Debug nodes also were not displaying any debug information.

Going to the localaddress:noderedport did not help…

I was also having sporadic occurrences where automations didn’t work…I’d check the flow and an entity id was missing from a HA node.

Nodered logs were not showing any errors.

Was getting ready to pull the trigger and reinstall nodered when I opened up the config nodes panel and found that a duplicate HA server config node had been created and being used by 0 nodes. I deleted it…redeployed all flows…and the inject and debug nodes immediately started working.

To verify if it worked I did a full system reboot…nodered seems to be working perfectly.

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SOLUTION: Just highlighting @mike5879 's last post as the SOLUTION for this issue (at least in my case). I had recently imported some flows which added a couple “Home Assistant” config nodes which somehow disabled all the stuff described in this thread. Clicking on the config node and pressing delete was all I needed to do for both additional configs. The main one was obvious given the much larger number next to it.

(config nodes already deleted in this snapshot)

I also thank @Mikefila for the “use the HA username/password to log into NR directly” as I kept using the credentials I had in NR’s configuration tab… which do not work. While that restored NR functionality accessed outside of HA, @mike5879 's solution fixed it within HA.

Thank you !