Nodered corrupted, can not use inject node

I’m running the latest HA.
I thought that the Supervisor must be 2022.12.1?

I do run NodeRed as a addon
Since this afternoon I did founf out that I can not use the inject node anymore.
It is there but I can not push the button anymore to activate.
The flows itself are running.
The log give some errors:
But I don not know what they mean or how to fix or do the commands.
I did install old backup from a week ago, but still no change
What can I do to fix it?
Please help

EDIT: I did found a workaround. By opening the node I can inject by pushing:

EDIT2: Debug is also not showing information anymore

I did found a guy with the same problem:

This a workaround

I’m having exactly the same problem. Also my debug nodes show the same greyed-out button, what about yours?

My logs don’t show anything, and my problems seem to have started a few days ago. First all my lights responded very slowly on my switches (I use NodeRed to readout input from those switches to activate lights). In the end it seems that NodeRed gets slower and slower.

I’m running NodeRed 14.0, but going back to 13.5.3 doesn’t help. I’m running the latest HA (2022.12.8).

I have the same experience. Inject and debug are greyed out.
It must indeed be supervisor causing this problem
I did open/ react on 2 issues in Github supervisor and nodered

EDIT: I see it is also not possible to select devices or so in the nodes, it looks like there is no connection to HA

Same here also. I thought it was related to the many “entity could not be found in cache for entity_id” errors in my NodeRed logs, which started to appear the last few days. Also the nodes kept disconnecting and connecting to the supervisor with no reason. None of the found solutions for those errors worked for me, so I had to reinstall NodeRed and restore my flows. That got rid of the entity_id cache error, but it didn’t fix the autofill of the entity id’s.

Let’s hope there will be a quick fix to this. My whole house depends on it.

The same over here.
I did try to reinstall Nodered from scratch, but that did give me errors.

EDIT: I did just install 14.0.1 the same problems

Did you ever get to the bottom of this ?

Yes. Suddenly after a update it did work again. But I’m now running NodeRed as a docker.
I don’t want this again

I’m having this problem. I wonder what the actual cause is.

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Could this be the recent update to NR inside HA ?
My system has been fine for years, now I’m getting the Inject Node greyed out.
I can work around it using the localhost:1880 but it would be good to find out what’s going on and get it sorted properly.

Just in case anyone is looking here.
I upgraded to NR 3.0.2 this evening and the problem seems to have been fixed !

I have also this problem and for me is still there after upgrade to Node Red 3.0.2
What I figured out is, if you open Node Red direkt in Browser with the added http port for the Plugin, every thing works.

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open over port direct in browser

open inside from HA

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Still borked in the latest version for me

same for me. Opened it directly with port in Browser, I can see every Output. Inside HA it doesn’t show anything also trigger nodes are not triggerable. Any solutions?

Same for me. Within HA not working and with direct call to Port not working either.

My System Details:
Home Assistant 2023.8.2
Supervisor 2023.08.1
Operating System 10.4
Frontend 20230802.0 - latest

Node-Red Addon: 14.4.4

Running on a RPI4B+ with 8GB Memory

Man… I seem to have a lot of Node Red Issues.

  1. The inject node button is greyed out and doesn’t work. (works directly to node red, but not inside HA)
  2. Not seeing the little status icons and messages below the nodes. (works directly to node red, but not inside HA)
  3. Had issues with the node red companion integration. I think I might have that sorted… but still need to watch it.

anyone have any luck?

running the latest NR, NR companion, and Websocket

Same issue here. Did a reinstall today because of the Entity lists not populating anymore. Now the Inject/Debug Buttons are bugged. At least Entity-Lists are working again :expressionless:

Im able to use it from browser using <HA_IP>:1880…bookmarked and it’s working fine.


Had this issue today - working fine yesterday but sometime this evening I noticed that it was giving the inject/debug button issue on my Firefox browser - client machine. Tried clearing cache - no luck.
But when logged in remotely to server GUI it’s working (also Firefox).
Also when i try chrome on client it’s working ok.
Running NR 3.0.2 on Linux Docker, not via HA. Firefox 121


I have also issues with inject and debug node

It ask me for login/password if I tried to run throught http://IP:1880 (no ssl), i tried to config them in Configuration tab of NR Addon in HA in http_static section but it dosen’t seems to work ? How to deal with it, please ?

Addon version tested : 17.0.4 - 17.0.5 - 17.0.6