Nokia Health products (Body+ connected scales etc)

Ended up very busy for a while there. At any rate, I’ve reopened the PR with all the requested changes again.


You rock! This has been my most anticipated integration since I started using HA. So glad it’s finally here, thank you! :slight_smile:

Hello Robert
Can I help you testing?

Sure! New components aren’t easy to test without development knowledge. Just pull down under branch in the pull request and build home assistant.

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Is Withings support included in HA 0.97?

Hi Robert,
custom components with config flow seem to be possible now (See
However, if I move your withings folder into config/custom_components there is no withings Integration which I could set up.

Update: Actually, the integration is there, just the name is not visible. Typing withings in the integrations search brings up one single item without a name. Clicking on it shows the profile I set up in configuration.yaml.

Update2: Working fine as custom_component, thanks Robert! Just wondering why the integration name is not shown.

Here is what I mean:

Sounds great.
Where can I get the files to put into custom_components?



Thank for the links. However see no menu to download on the Github page


thanks ! It works almost well with verision 0.97beta5.

However, I’ve some value twice the value of the mobile application. Wierd !

When I try to verify the configuration the circle goes on spinning and if I restart, anyway I cannot start HA.
No problem. Working on a test machine.
Using version 0.97b2.
Think I did everything right. Got the user_id and secret_id, put it into configuration.yaml as described and copied the files on Github to custom_components in a folder named withings.
Downloaded the files by right clicking as there is no menu for downloading. Could that be a problem

I found the download menu and things work now - from the HA side. But the authorization procedure after the integration comes up with an error saying that there is a mismatch between the redirect URL and the callback URL. When I created the developer account I gave my own URL (website) but when HA sends me to the authorization website it uses the local IP of the HA installation. And of course there is a mismatch.
What do you do?
I reckon that It will also be a problem when the Withings component becomes a part of HA.

I had the same problem at first. You need to adapt the base_url for withings to your own url:

    client_id: xxx
    client_secret: xxx
    base_url: xx
        - xxx
        - bone_mass_kg

Afterwards the authorization website forwards you to [yoururl]/api/withings… (with error) there you have to change your url to the local IP of the HA in the browser address bar.

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Thank you. Doing what you proposed. Got past the first error. Changed to local IP:8123 but are presented with an empty (white) screen. Tried to refresh the page and got the error “the server got itself into trouble”
Running Hassio e.g. in a Docker
Thank you for your patience

Tried again and everything works now.
Feeling happy
Thank you for your patience and help

is it possible to get the sleep score ?

The API doesn’t have a score attribute. Rather, it appears to be the number of hours slept. In all, I think this is calculated on the app.

I have to do the authentication procedure every time I restart HA. Is that expected.

Any news of when the component gets integrated in HA?

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The auth procedure is suppose to be a one time process. I ran across a similar problem today and updated the PR. That should fix the issue.

No estimation of when this will get merged although I’m feeling pretty confident about it being done (we’ll see).

Auth procedure confirmed working as a one time process.

We have to wait patiently but as long as it works as a custom component, it is much easier

Hi, thanks for this integration. I have Withings Steel HR, which tracks heart rate during sleep. But I am getting only weight, height, and deep sleep and light sleep indicators. Heart rate sensors all show 0. In sleep stats Health Mate shows HR during sleep. Can I do something so that heart rate sensors show something?

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