Nolu - another take on Lovelace UI (WIP)

Yeah I saw there are some examples in the config_example dir , but I didnt find any example on how to (for example) set the greeting ‘Good Afternoon’… Or how you group cards like you do in the screenshots… ‘Temperature’ , ‘Humidity’ etc.

Thanks though! :slight_smile:

Sorry mate, You’ll have to check out the develop branch of the github to be able to see all the new features for now. The greeting card will be released soon and is still available to alpha testers on develop branch only…

Okay, no problem. Wat about the ‘Grouped’ cards though, is that already available? Sorry for spamming your topic though :slight_smile:

I think by the ‘grouped’ thing you mean what Nolu calls ‘rows’. So if you want to define 2 ‘groups’ or ‘rows’ in 1 view you would have to do something like:

  title: 'My view'
  icon: 'mdi:home-assistant'
  url: 'my_view'
  show_in_navbar: true
  show_header: true
    # My first group
    - title: 'My First Group'
        # My widgets in the first group
        - type: .....
        - type: .....
        - type: .....
    # My second group
    - title: 'My Second Group'
        # My widgets in the second group
        - type: .....
        - type: .....
        - type: .....

Let me know if this works out for you ;-). A new release to master is imminent so stay posted and you will get the newest features somewhere in the upcoming days.


That is indeed what I was looking for.


Another small question!

I’m trying to implement following: Custom component Afvalbeheer - Support for multiple waste collectors - #420 by geertmeersman

Now i tried this with custom_entities like this:

        - type: 'custom_entities'
            - entity_item:
              -  entity: sensor.recycleapp_gft
                 name: 'GFT'
            - entity_item:
              -  entity: sensor.recycleapp_papier
                 name: 'Papier'

basically i would just want to have a button view or markdown where I can see whatever is being picked up, and when. But right now it is showing following:


You got any ideas on how to make this work?

Thanks in advance! Really loving the layout!


what I have done is I created some custom sensors:

      friendly_name: GFT
      value_template: '{{ states("sensor.recycleapp_gft") }}'
      entity_picture_template: '/local/icons/recycle/gft.png'
        Days-until: '{{ state_attr("sensor.recycleapp_gft","Days-until") }}'
        wanneer: >-
            {% if state_attr('sensor.recycleapp_gft','Days-until') | int == 0 %}
            {% elif state_attr('sensor.recycleapp_gft','Days-until') | int == 1 %}
            {% else %}
             Nog {{ state_attr('sensor.recycleapp_gft','Days-until') }} dagen
            {% endif %}
      friendly_name: Papier en karton
      value_template: '{{ states("sensor.recycleapp_papier") }}'
      entity_picture_template: '/local/icons/recycle/box.png'
        Days-until: '{{ state_attr("sensor.recycleapp_papier","Days-until") }}'
        wanneer: >-
            {% if state_attr('sensor.recycleapp_papier','Days-until') | int == 0 %}
            {% elif state_attr('sensor.recycleapp_papier','Days-until') | int == 1 %}
            {% else %}
             Nog {{ state_attr('sensor.recycleapp_papier','Days-until') }} dagen
            {% endif %}

Which I then use in the Lovelace interface as follows:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:auto-entities
      type: horizontal-stack
    card_param: cards
        - entity_id: sensor.recycleapp_custom_*
            type: custom:button-card
            show_entity_picture: true
            show_state: false
            show_label: false
            show_name: true
            name: >
              [[[ return
              dagen')); ]]]
        - state: unknown
    show_empty: false
      method: attribute
      numeric: true
      attribute: Days-until
  - card:
      show_header_toggle: false
      type: entities
        - entity_id: sensor.recycleapp_custom_*
            secondary_info: '[[ {entity}.attributes.wanneer ]]'
            type: custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row
              action: navigate
              navigation_path: /lovelace/afvalophaling
        - state: unknown
    show_empty: false
      method: attribute
      numeric: true
      attribute: Days-until
    type: custom:auto-entities

Which results in:

And on my main screen I have this:

  show_header_toggle: false
  type: entities
    - attributes:
        Days-until: < 3
      entity_id: sensor.recycleapp_custom_*
        secondary_info: '[[ {entity}.attributes.wanneer ]]'
        type: custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row
          action: navigate
          navigation_path: /lovelace/afvalophaling
    - state: unknown
show_empty: false
  method: attribute
  numeric: true
  attribute: Days-until
type: custom:auto-entities

Hope it gives you some inspiration :wink:

I don’t know if this will work for Nolu. I actually don’t think so.

There is a markdown component at your disposal. Will this work for you?

thanks both for ur suggestions! I will try a little bit more and keep you posted here :slight_smile:

Hi all,
I installed Nolu and it’s very cool!
But every time I make changes in custom.config.yaml, I have to completely restart the home assistant to see my changes on the dashboard.
Is there a way to view my changes without restarting HA?

thank for your help

Unfortunately, you can’t. This is a short coming of the lovelace_gen, see 🔹 Lovelace_gen - Add abilities to ui_lovelace.yaml - #33 by thomasloven for more info

can you share your config ?

Hej @timoerti, You asking me?

Nice one! I did the following, since I just wanted to know which garbage container is the next one:

- platform: template
    #         WASTE COLLECTION
      friendly_name: Upcoming waste collection
      unit_of_measurement: ''
        upcoming_list: |
          {% if state_attr('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key', 'upcoming_list') %}
            {{ state_attr('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key', 'upcoming_list') }}
          {% endif %}
        Sort-date: |
          {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') is defined %}
            {% set waste_upcoming_key = states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') %}
            {{ state_attr('sensor.' + waste_upcoming_key, 'Sort-date') }}
          {% endif %}
        entity_picture: |
          {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') is defined %}
            {% set waste_upcoming_key = states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') %}
            {{ state_attr('sensor.' + waste_upcoming_key, 'entity_picture') }}
          {% endif %}
        Days-until: |
          {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') is defined %}
            {% set waste_upcoming_key = states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') %}
            {{ state_attr('sensor.' + waste_upcoming_key, 'Days-until') }}
          {% endif %}
        container_color: |
          {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') is defined %}
            {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') == 'gad_gft' %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') == 'gad_papier' %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') == 'gad_pmd' %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') == 'gad_restafval' %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        waste_name: |
          {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') is defined %}
            {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') == 'gad_gft' %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') == 'gad_papier' %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') == 'gad_pmd' %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') == 'gad_restafval' %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
      value_template: |
        {% if (states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') is defined)
          and (state_attr('sensor.' + states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key'), 'Sort-date') is defined) %}

          {% set waste_upcoming_key = states('sensor.waste_collection_upcoming_key') %}
          {% if (waste_upcoming_key is defined) %}

            {% set t = state_attr('sensor.' + waste_upcoming_key, 'Sort-date') %}
            {# set t = strptime(t+"-+0000", "%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S-%z") #}
            {% set long_date = (as_timestamp(t) | timestamp_custom('%a, %d %B %Y')) %}
            {% set full_day = (as_timestamp(t) | timestamp_custom('%A')) %}

            {% if (state_attr('sensor.' + waste_upcoming_key, 'Days-until') is defined) and ((state_attr('sensor.' + waste_upcoming_key, 'Days-until') | int) < 7) %}
              {% set days_until = state_attr('sensor.' + waste_upcoming_key, 'Days-until') | int %}
              {% if days_until < 1 %}
              {% elif days_until < 2 %}
              {% elif days_until < 6 %}
                This {{ full_day }}
              {% endif %}
            {% else %}
              {{ long_date }}
            {% endif %}

          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

    # Variable to use in `waste_collection_upcoming`
      friendly_name: Upcoming waste collection key of sensor
      unit_of_measurement: ''
        upcoming_list: |
          {% if (states('sensor.gad_gft') is defined) and (state_attr('sensor.gad_gft', 'Days-until') is defined) %}
            {% set days_until_gft = state_attr('sensor.gad_gft', 'Days-until') %}
          {% endif %}

          {% if (states('sensor.gad_papier') is defined) and (state_attr('sensor.gad_papier', 'Days-until') is defined) %}
            {% set days_until_papier = state_attr('sensor.gad_papier', 'Days-until') %}
          {% endif %}

          {% if (states('sensor.gad_pmd') is defined) and (state_attr('sensor.gad_pmd', 'Days-until') is defined) %}
            {% set days_until_pmd = state_attr('sensor.gad_pmd', 'Days-until') %}
          {% endif %}

          {% if (states('sensor.gad_restafval') is defined) and (state_attr('sensor.gad_restafval', 'Days-until') is defined) %}
            {% set days_until_restafval = state_attr('sensor.gad_restafval', 'Days-until') %}
          {% endif %}

          {{ [{
              "name": "gad_gft",
              "days_until": (days_until_gft | default(999, true)) | int
            }, {
              "name": "gad_papier",
              "days_until": (days_until_papier | default(999, true)) | int
            }, {
              "name": "gad_pmd",
              "days_until": (days_until_pmd | default(999, true)) | int
            }, {
              "name": "gad_restafval",
              "days_until": (days_until_restafval | default(999, true)) | int
            }] | sort(attribute="days_until") }}
      value_template: |
        {% if (states('sensor.gad_gft') is defined) and (state_attr('sensor.gad_gft', 'Days-until') is defined) %}
          {% set days_until_gft = state_attr('sensor.gad_gft', 'Days-until') %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if (states('sensor.gad_papier') is defined) and (state_attr('sensor.gad_papier', 'Days-until') is defined) %}
          {% set days_until_papier = state_attr('sensor.gad_papier', 'Days-until') %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if (states('sensor.gad_pmd') is defined) and (state_attr('sensor.gad_pmd', 'Days-until') is defined) %}
          {% set days_until_pmd = state_attr('sensor.gad_pmd', 'Days-until') %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if (states('sensor.gad_restafval') is defined) and (state_attr('sensor.gad_restafval', 'Days-until') is defined) %}
          {% set days_until_restafval = state_attr('sensor.gad_restafval', 'Days-until') %}
        {% endif %}

        {% set waste_list = [{
            "name": "gad_gft",
            "days_until": (days_until_gft | default(999, true)) | int
          }, {
            "name": "gad_papier",
            "days_until": (days_until_papier | default(999, true)) | int
          }, {
            "name": "gad_pmd",
            "days_until": (days_until_pmd | default(999, true)) | int
          }, {
            "name": "gad_restafval",
            "days_until": (days_until_restafval | default(999, true)) | int
          }] %}

        {{ (waste_list | sort(attribute="days_until"))[0].name }}

waste_collection_upcoming should give the first one that will be collected. I’ve noticed some warnings in my logs about this ‘old’ code, so don’t know if this will keep working. When I check devtools I still get correct returns for this one. I use the afvalbeheer integration that provides me with the base information.

no i need the config from the dashbaord I’m struggling wit the dashbaord

Is it a dashboard using Nolu theme?

yes i use nolu

Can you give me some details on the problems. There is an example config you should check:

  title: 'Home'
  icon: 'mdi:home-assistant'
  url: 'home'

  # `show_header`
  # Show the Nolu header. This consists of a menu bar, generated by the
  # user defined views (where `show_in_navbar is true`)
  show_header: true

  # `show_in_navbar`
  # Determines if the menu item is showed in native tabs AND nolu menubar
  show_in_navbar: true

  # `greeting`
  # Shows a custom greeting text
    # !IMPORTANT! For some strange reason when starting with a `states(....)`
    # method this will throw an error. When a character is placed in front of
    # it the error doesn't occur. So thats why I placed it in a <span>-tag
    title: |
      <span>{{ states('sensor.greeting') }}</span> {{ user }},
    # `sunny` can be replaced by templating language e.g. {{ states('weather.xxxx') }}
    subtitle: 'It will be a sunny day...'

    - widgets:
        #         BINARY SENSOR (motion & contact sensors)
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'binary'

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'binary_sensor.xxxxxxx'

          # `name`
          # string - Name to show in the widget
          # optional - no default
          name: 'Frontdoor'

          # `battery`
          # object - Contains properties to show a battery indicator
          # optional - no default
            # `entity`
            # string - Entity to use
            # required - no default
            entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx_battery'

            # `visibility`
            # string - The visiblity of the battery indicator
            # Optional - 'always' | 'low' | 'never' - default = 'low' - will be shown only when under 10% (blinking red)
            visibility: 'always'

            # `show_percentage`
            # boolean - Show the battery percentage or not
            # optional - default = false
            show_percentage: true

          # `graph`
          # object - Contains properties for the graph
          # optional - no default
            # `entity`
            # string - The entity that is used for the graph
            # required - no default
            entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx'

            # `hours_to_show`
            # string - The amount of hours to show the values for
            # optional - default = 24
            hours_to_show: 72

            # `line_color`
            # string - The color the line of the graph should be
            # optional - default = 'orange'
            line_color: 'blue'

          # `template`
          # list - Template definitions to use. This will determine which icon is shown
          # optional - no default (use one of the below examples)
            - 'contact_door'
            # OR
            - 'contact_window'
            # OR
            - 'motion'

        #         CAMERA EXAMPLE
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'camera'

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'camera.front_door'

          # `template`
          # list - Template definitions to use. This will determine which icon is shown
          # optional - no default (use one of the below examples)
            - 'camera'

        #         CLIMATE EXAMPLE
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'climate' # string | required - widget type

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'climate.xxxxxxx'

          # `name`
          # string - Name to show in the widget
          # optional - no default
          name: 'Living room thermostat'

          # `template`
          # list - Template definitions to use. This will determine which icon is shown
          # optional - no default (use one of the below examples)
            - 'climate_thermostat'
            # OR
            - 'climate_airco'

        #         ENERGY EXAMPLE
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'energy' # string | required - widget type

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx'

          # `name`
          # string - Name to show in the widget
          # optional - no default
          name: 'Current electricity usage' # string | required - name to show

          # `icon`
          # string - Icon to use (see
          # optional - no default
          icon: 'mdi:lightning-bolt-outline'

        #         FAN EXAMPLE
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'fan' # string | required - widget type

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'switch.xxxxxxx'

          # `name`
          # string - Name to show in the widget
          # optional - no default
          name: 'Bathroom Fan'

          # `graph`
          # object - Contains properties for the graph
          # optional - no default
            # `entity`
            # string - The entity that is used for the graph
            # required - no default
            entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx'

            # `hours_to_show`
            # string - The amount of hours to show the values for
            # optional - default = 24
            hours_to_show: 72

            # `line_color`
            # string - The color the line of the graph should be
            # optional - default = 'orange'
            line_color: 'blue'

          # `template`
          # list - Template definitions to use. This will determine which icon is shown
          # optional - no default (use one of the below examples)
            - 'icon_fan'

        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'humidity' # string | required - widget

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx'

          # `name`
          # string - Name to show in the widget
          # optional - no default
          name: 'Baby Room'

          # `battery`
          # object - Contains properties to show a battery indicator
          # optional - no default
            # `entity`
            # string - Entity to use
            # required - no default
            entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx_battery'

            # `visibility`
            # string - The visiblity of the battery indicator
            # Optional - 'always' | 'low' | 'never' - default = 'low' - will be shown only when under 10% (blinking red)
            visibility: 'always'

            # `show_percentage`
            # boolean - Show the battery percentage or not
            # optional - default = false
            show_percentage: true

          # `graph`
          # object - Contains properties for the graph
          # optional - no default
            # `entity`
            # string - The entity that is used for the graph
            # required - no default
            entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx'

            # `hours_to_show`
            # string - The amount of hours to show the values for
            # optional - default = 24
            hours_to_show: 72

            # `line_color`
            # string - The color the line of the graph should be
            # optional - default = 'orange'
            line_color: 'blue'

        #         LIGHT EXAMPLE
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'light' # string | required - widget type

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'light.xxxxxxx'

          # `name`
          # string - Name to show in the widget
          # optional - no default
          name: 'Ceiling Spots'

          # `template`
          # list - Template definitions to use. This will determine which icon is shown
          # optional - no default (use one of the below examples)
            - 'icon_hue_bulb_spot'
            # OR
            - 'icon_hue_wall_lantern'
            # OR
            - 'icon_hue_iris'
            # OR
            - 'icon_hue_lightstrip'
            # OR
            - 'icon_hue_bulb_candle'
            # OR
            - 'icon_hue_floor_shade'
            # OR
            - 'icon_hue_floor_spot'
            # OR
            - 'icon_hue'

        #         MARKDOWN EXAMPLE
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'markdown' # string | required - widget type

          # `content`
          # string - The markdown content
          # required - no default
          content: 'Just a markdown card' # string | required - content of the markdown card

        #         PERSON
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'person'

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'person.xxxxxxx'

          # `name`
          # string - Name to show in the widget
          # optional - no default
          name: 'Person'

          # `background`
          # object - Defines the options for the person image
          # required - no default
            # `image`
            # string - The url of the image
            # required - no default
            image: '/local/nolu/profile_images/profile.png'

            # `cover`
            # boolean - Covers the complete widget
            # optional - default = false
            cover: true

        #         POWER PLUG EXAMPLE
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'power_plug'

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'switch.xxxxxxx'

          # `name`
          # string - Name to show in the widget
          # optional - no default
          name: 'Power plug'

          # `battery`
          # object - Contains properties to show a battery indicator
          # optional - no default
            # `entity`
            # string - Entity to use
            # required - no default
            entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx_battery'

            # `visibility`
            # string - The visiblity of the battery indicator
            # Optional - 'always' | 'low' | 'never' - default = 'low' - will be shown only when under 10% (blinking red)
            visibility: 'always'

            # `show_percentage`
            # boolean - Show the battery percentage or not
            # optional - default = false
            show_percentage: true

          # `graph`
          # object - Contains properties for the graph
          # optional - no default
            # `entity`
            # string - The entity that is used for the graph
            # required - no default
            entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx'

            # `hours_to_show`
            # string - The amount of hours to show the values for
            # optional - default = 24
            hours_to_show: 72

            # `line_color`
            # string - The color the line of the graph should be
            # optional - default = 'orange'
            line_color: 'blue'

        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'temperature'

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx'

          # `name`
          # string - Name to show in the widget
          # optional - no default
          name: 'Baby Room'

          # `battery`
          # object - Contains properties to show a battery indicator
          # optional - no default
            # `entity`
            # string - Entity to use
            # required - no default
            entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx_battery'

            # `visibility`
            # string - The visiblity of the battery indicator
            # Optional - 'always' | 'low' | 'never' - default = 'low' - will be shown only when under 10% (blinking red)
            visibility: 'always'

            # `show_percentage`
            # boolean - Show the battery percentage or not
            # optional - default = false
            show_percentage: true

          # `graph`
          # object - Contains properties for the graph
          # optional - no default
            # `entity`
            # string - The entity that is used for the graph
            # required - no default
            entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx'

            # `hours_to_show`
            # string - The amount of hours to show the values for
            # optional - default = 24
            hours_to_show: 72

            # `line_color`
            # string - The color the line of the graph should be
            # optional - default = 'orange'
            line_color: 'blue'

        #         WEATHER EXAMPLE
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'default_weather'

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'weather.noluhass'

        #         BATTERIES
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'batteries'
          # `icons_list`
          # The icons to show, maximum of 4 icons can be
          # shown. The first 4 will be shown
            # `name`
            # string - Name to show in the widget
            # optional - no default
            - name: 'Hue Motion'
              # `type`
              # string - The type of widget
              # required - no default
              entity: 'sensor.xxxxx_battery'
              # `icon`
              # string - Icon to use (see
              # optional - no default - If `icon` is not defined it will show the
              # percentage in its place
              icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'

            - name: 'Temperature'
              entity: 'sensor.xxxxx_battery'

            - name: 'Window'
              entity: 'sensor.xxxxx_battery'
              icon: 'mdi:window-open'

            - name: 'Patio Doors'
              entity: 'sensor.xxxxx_battery'

        #         ICONS EXAMPLE
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'icons' # string | required - widget type
          # `icons_list`
          # The icons to show, maximum of 4 icons can be
          # shown. The first 4 will be shown
            # `name`
            # string - Name to show in the widget
            # optional - no default
            - name: 'Whatsapp'

              # `icon`
              # string - Icon to use (see
              # optional - no default
              icon: 'mdi:whatsapp'

              # `entity`
              # string - Entity to use
              # optional - no default - entity is optional since this can also be a link or other type of icon
              entity: 'weather.noluhass'

              # `tap_action`
              # see for supported properties
                action: 'url'
                url_path: ''

              # `variables`
              # object - In the variables section you can define the colors and gradients for your icon
              # !IMPORTANT! No HEX values can be used since they get interpreted as comments in yaml
              # `active` state depends on the defined `entity`. For the active state the following state
              # values are checked:
              # 'on', 'home', 'active', 'enabled', 'heat', 'cool', 'heat_cool', 'fan', 'open'
              # optional - default colors are used
                icon_color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)' # string | optional - defines the icon color
                bg_color_default: 'rgb(37, 211, 102)' # string | optional - defines the default background color
                # bg_color_active: ... - string | optional - defines the active background color
                # bg_gradient_default: ... - string | optional - defines the default gradient background color
                # bg_gradient_active: ... - string | optional - defines the active gradient background color

            - name: 'Instagram'
              icon: 'mdi:instagram'
                action: 'url'
                url_path: ''
                icon_color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
                bg_gradient_default: 'linear-gradient(45deg, rgb(64, 93, 230), rgb(88, 81, 219), rgb(131, 58, 180), rgb(193, 53, 132), rgb(225, 48, 108), rgb(253, 29, 29))'

            - name: 'Facebook'
              icon: 'mdi:facebook'
                action: 'url'
                url_path: ''
                icon_color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
                bg_color_default: 'rgb(59, 89, 152)'

            - name: 'Twitter'
              icon: 'mdi:twitter'
                action: 'url'
                url_path: ''
                icon_color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
                bg_color_default: 'rgb(29,161,242)'

        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'temperature'

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx'

          # `name`
          # string - Name to show in the widget
          # optional - no default
          name: 'Baby Room'

          # `battery`
          # object - Contains properties to show a battery indicator
          # optional - no default
            # `entity`
            # string - Entity to use
            # required - no default
            entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx_battery'

            # `visibility`
            # string - The visiblity of the battery indicator
            # Optional - 'always' | 'low' | 'never' - default = 'low' - will be shown only when under 10% (blinking red)
            visibility: 'always'

            # `show_percentage`
            # boolean - Show the battery percentage or not
            # optional - default = false
            show_percentage: true

          # `graph`
          # object - Contains properties for the graph
          # optional - no default
            # `entity`
            # string - The entity that is used for the graph
            # required - no default
            entity: 'sensor.xxxxxxx'

            # `hours_to_show`
            # string - The amount of hours to show the values for
            # optional - default = 24
            hours_to_show: 72

            # `line_color`
            # string - The color the line of the graph should be
            # optional - default = 'orange'
            line_color: 'blue'

        #         SEPARATOR EXAMPLE
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'separator'

        #         WEATHER EXAMPLE
        # `type`
        # string - The type of widget
        # required - no default
        - type: 'default_weather'

          # `entity`
          # string - Entity to use
          # required - no default
          entity: 'weather.noluhass'

#         NOT-FOUND - 404
#         !DON'T TOUCH!
  title: '404 not found'
  icon: 'mdi:motion'
  url: 'not-found'
  show_in_navbar: false
  show_header: true
    - type: 'text'
      content: |
        ## 404
        Sorry, the page you requested could not be found

I want more buttons in the menu like the Picturs. But I dont now how

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