Non-conductive metal heat sink for shelly relays?

Anyone heard of or fashioned in a custom manner any non-electical conducting heat sinks for any shelly relays behind wall switches (I’ve got some dimmers without neutrals that I would like to keep running a little cooler - even after all the possible configuration tweaks to minimize heat)?

I do not think such thing exists for several reasons. First it would make sense if heatsink is attached directly to worm hot component inside the device, which is prohibited by plastic case. Secondly, heatsink makes sense if there is some air flow, that could facilitate cooling, which is not the case inside wall box, where device is installed. So I’m afraid enabling eco mode is the only available option.

Even in a confined space an a non-electrical conducting heat sink would help a little, especially if it is touching something cooler like the inside of a metal wall switch receptacle. What would be really neat is if they had the option to use a passive heat sink case which actually touches the inside components that tend to heat up, instead of a plastic case, I am sure there would be a lot of interested folks. I understand the cost may be prohibitive, but what if when a relay expires due to age, the non-electical conducting case could just be opened and the whole unit inside replaced (keeping the case)… :slight_smile:

Perhaps trust that the Shelly engineers have designed their product correctly? Do you know how hot they are getting?

I have a 1PM that’s been switching my 3kW immersion heater daily for three years, which gets up to around 75°C (reported internal temperature) when running. No problems yet, and the over-temperature cut-off has never operating.

Even the mention of a heatsink is making me shudder. These devices are designed for use in small spaces and the device is surrounded with plastic for a very good reason. Any metallic component such as a heatsink would not only need to be earthed, but would also pose a threat in terms of contact with live wiring. In the absence of a critical defect on the product due to heat - let’s not even go there.

Drats, I meant some kind of metal that does not conduct electricity, or material that is a non-electrical but good heat conductor.

Good luck with that.
