None of my lights respond anymore

I have a mix of FEIT bulbs flashed with tasmota communicating with mqtt and WIZ lights using the custom HACS integration. Within the last week, they’ve all stopped responding. Occasionally, one of them shows available for a short time. I’m not seeing any obvious culprits in my logfile. Can you think of anything these two integration methods have in common?

I have one log entry stating the config entry ofr Office2 wiz_light integration not ready yet: The request to the bulb timed out. Retrtying in background. None of the other bulbs are mentioned. I have about five of them.

Another entry says

“Exception in async_discover when dispatching ‘mqtt_discovery_new_light_mqtt’: ({‘name’: ‘FEIT FEIT-GuestroomLamp’, ‘state_topic’: ‘tele/light.feit.guestroom/STATE’, ‘availability_topic’: ‘tele/light.feit.guestroom/LWT’, 'payload”`

Wiz bulbs in another instance of Homeassistant on same loads in a completely separate location appear unaffected.

HA version?

Apologies for obvious ommission. 2022.2.6 on Homeassistant OS 7.4, supervisor 2022.01.1


If your tasmota lights are on a firmware before 9.2, it is the breaking change from the release notes
(value_template → state_value_template)

For your Wiz lights, no idea.