Noob Question - Service Templates

Hello All,

Is it possible to add a service template to a script using the GUI, or do you need to manually create the script directly in scripts.yaml?

This is the code for the script. This was working until I recently updated HA.

  alias: Home Assistant Notification Engine
  - data:
        message: '{{ message }}'
        title: Home Assistant Notification
      message: '{{ message }}'
      notification_id: '{{ title }}'
      title: '{{ title }}'
    service: persistent_notification.create
  - data_template:
      message: '{{ message }}'
      name: 'NOTIFY ALL:'
    service: logbook.log
  - service_template: "{%- if who is not string -%}{%- set who = 'user1'\
      \ -%}{%- endif -%} {%- if who == 'user1' -%}\n  notify.mobile_app_user1\n\
      {%- elif who == 'user2' -%}\n  notify.mobile_app_user2\n{%- elif who\
      \ == 'family' -%}\n\n{%- elif who == 'parents' -%}\n  notify.parents\n\
      {%- elif who == 'kids' -%}\n\n{%- elif who == 'Everyone' -%}\n\
      \  notify.everyone\n{%- else -%}\n  notify.mobile_app_notify_yy\n{%- endif -%}"

I’m getting an error:

Extra keys not allowed @data_template.

Any help is much appreciated!

Here you have data and a data_template without a service


actually, you have too many data sections. Remove the entire data: data_template stuff.

  - data_template:
      message: '{{ message }}'
      notification_id: '{{ title }}'
      title: '{{ title }}'
    service: persistent_notification.create

To clarify, The - (dash) indicates each service call & data. You should only have 1 service and 1 data section per service call. Some services don’t require a data section, so you can omit that in those cases.

Thanks Petro & Francis. I made the changes, but still getting the error. Here is the revised code:

  alias: Home Assistant Notification Engine
  - data_template:
        message: '{{ message }}'
        title: Home Assistant Notification
    service: persistent_notification.create
  - data_template:
      message: '{{ message }}'
      notification_id: '{{ title }}'
      title: '{{ title }}'
    service: logbook.log
  - service_template:
      "{%- if who is not string -%}{%- set who = 'user1'\
      \ -%}{%- endif -%} {%- if who == 'user1' -%}\n  notify.mobile_app_user1\n\
      {%- elif who == 'user2' -%}\n  notify.mobile_app_user2\n{%- elif who\
      \ == 'family' -%}\n\n{%- elif who == 'parents' -%}\n  notify.parents\n\
      {%- elif who == 'kids' -%}\n\n{%- elif who == 'Everyone' -%}\n\
      \  notify.everyone\n{%- else -%}\n  notify.mobile_app_notify_yy\n{%- endif -%}"
      message: '{{ message }}'
      name: 'NOTIFY ALL:'

I think what happened is the code was scrambled when I opened this script in the script editor. Is that possible?

If I trim it down to just the one service call, I determined it is the service template that is causing the problem. Are you not supposed to use data_template with service_template?