Hi everyone! If I have manually installed home assistant (virtual environment). Therefore, to my understanding, I do not have the same options in my front end as the Hass.io option, right?
Does this mean I need to manually install all of my addons and other stuff?
Addons are exclusively for hassio, they are part of the operating system that hassio is built on.
But now you have full access to your opoerating system, you can install any program you wish on your computer, so you don’t need someone to write a hassio addon to be able to use it.
No, hassbian is a special configuration of rsspbian that has HA installed with some other useful scripts on a prepared SD card image. It is still raspbian, so you can still do any normal raspberry pi commands, such as installing other programs.
If you followed the raspbian installation guide you end up with a configuration much like hassbian, but without the extra scripts.