Nordpool component not updating

Is anyone else having trouble with the Nordpool custom component found here?

It worked fine until a few weeks ago, I updated HASS and at the same time cloned the most recent version from github. Since then it hasn’t been working at all. According to the log the component loads and initializes but then it says
INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.nordpool.sensor] api returned junk infinity None
It then goes on to update the sensor for today and tomorrow but the sensor doesn’t show up in HASS.

Try a reboot of ha. If that dont work open a issue on github with logs etc.

The message: api returned junk infinity None is just info that the average values isnt include from that api and that the sensor will calculate that for you.

Cheers, I’ve done that. A restart didn’t help.

If anyone else is interested, here is the link to the issue on Github: