Nordpool Electrical Price Lovelace card

The Nordpool sensor has attributes for today and tomorrow el- price. Displaying these prices over the 48 hours period, in a graph would be a beneficial card.

current_price: 0.022
average: 0.024
off peak 1: 0.022
off peak 2: 0.026
peak: 0.025
min: 0.02
max: 0.034
unit: kWh
currency: NOK
country: Norway
region: Oslo
low price: true
tomorrow_valid: true
  - 0.02
  - 0.02
  - 0.02
  - 0.02
  - 0.02
  - 0.02
  - 0.023
  - 0.03
  - 0.034
  - 0.03
  - 0.027
  - 0.026
  - 0.026
  - 0.025
  - 0.023
  - 0.022
  - 0.022
  - 0.022
  - 0.025
  - 0.027
  - 0.027
  - 0.027
  - 0.026
  - 0.023

Unfortunately, creating a card like this is way over my know-how.

If someone with the skills and using the Nordpool integration, a card like this would be nice, - and I am happy camper. Anyone?


@Tomahawk You can achieve what you want by using the custom mini graph card. Take a look here at the end of the post.
By using mini graph card you can tweak things the way you want and include other sensors like current price, grid rent or whatever you want.
I think this is a better solution than a dedicated Nordpool Electrical Price Lovelace card…

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