Thanks for sharing this Blueprint. I am going to try and use this to optimally charge my Solar battery from the grid when electricity is cheap. I do believe there is some potential for improvment though, like defining a certain threshold on what “Cheap” actually is. So, essentially, instead of defining a fixed number of cheap hours, make sure the “Cheap” ones are actually xx% below the average or something like that? I hope that makes sense…
So my Automation based on this blueprint is running for the first time and I can already say it isn’t working as expected for me. It’s charging the battery now, at 23ct/kWh and the price is going to drop to 14ct/kWh within the next 2 hours so… back to the drawing board for me.
This will sort out the x most expensive hours of the day. If you set the limit to 18, it will sort out the 6 cheapest hours. That is, events start at the sixth hour, even if 5 hours is cheaper.
The problem with using a percentage, as I see it, is that when the price is flat throughout the day, the automation will not run, since that price will never go below the percentage limit.
If, on the other hand, the price is very high in some hours, all the other hours will be below the percentage limit.
I have considered a solution where it is possible to choose a fixed price that will trump cheap. For example, if the price is under NOK 1, everything is cheap.
Is it possible to edit the blueprint so that you can add default atomizations so you don’t have to have both a blueprint and an automation for example.