My name is Jay and i am trying to get this device to work as far as zigbee is concerned. I got the zwave working( havent tested cause i dont have zwave devices.) cause i see in my HA pannel however, i cant get the zigbee part to work.
I am running HA from the HA image on a Raspberry pi. here is what my code looks like:
Name of the location where Home Assistant is running
name: Home
Location required to calculate the time the sun rises and sets
latitude: 40.060055
longitude: -75.057240
Impacts weather/sunrise data (altitude above sea level in meters)
# Add an entry for each entity that you want to overwrite.
friendly_name: Lamp 1
icon: mdi:lamp
friendly_name: Lamp 2
icon: mdi:lamp
Show links to resources in log and frontend
Enables the frontend
Enables configuration UI
Uncomment this to add a password (recommended!)
api_password: !secret api_password
Uncomment this if you are using SSL or running in Docker etc
**Sorry, should have noted that I am not using the zwave portion of the stick that is why mine is on USB1, If you are using both the Zwave and Zigbee you’ll probably have zwave on USB0 and Zigbee on USB1.
I don’t have one, but researching the product brought me to a customer review on Amazon that I think would be useful:
Fresh, headless raspbian
Home assistant all in 1 installer
/etc/udev/rules.d/99-usb-serial.rules: (Create the file 99-usb-serial.rules if it doesn’t exist, add the following lines to it.)
SUBSYSTEM==“tty”, ATTRS{interface}==“HubZ Z-Wave Com Port”, SYMLINK+=“zwave”
SUBSYSTEM==“tty”, ATTRS{interface}==“HubZ ZigBee Com Port”, SYMLINK+=“zigbee”
I believe you can type ls /dev/ttyUSB* in a terminal and you’ll likely see /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1 returned. Since you have zwave working it’s likely USB0 is for zwave and USB1 would be for your zigbee. Just need to adjust your config setup.
Assuming you have a device to add go to the services tab and choose ZHA under domain and permit under service then click Call services and it should add the device to Home Assistant. It likely would show up as badge on top depending on what you are adding.
I’d Like to thank everyone for helping me out! I’ve already successfully paired a Sylvania OSRAM Lightfy LED Full color with HA and it’s AMAZING. It is Fully working and you can modify the color. Basically all of the features work without having to buy the Sylvania gateway.
After many hour to config zwave, I finally can config the USB stick. I confirmed using this method. The differences are device: “device: /dev/zigbee” => “usb_path: /dev/zigbee” and add database_path.
I know this has been a while for most. Wondering any impressions on this device. Looking to add Zigbee/Z-wave to my smarthome. Have some devices, but not integrated to my HA. There are a number of other USB Dongles, wondering how people like the GoControl one.