Nortek Security & Control LLC with SLUSB7000A compatibility issue?


I just switched from ST to HA a while ago and still trying to move everything from ST to HA. Zigbee is much easier but I had some issues with Z-Wave devices.

Hardware I have,
SLUSB7000A (yes, I found out it’s PIA) v7.19.1
WADWAZ-1 door sensor
WAPIRZ-1 motion sensor

I also have other Z-Wave devices like zooz switch, HANK HKZW-DWS01 (door sensor), or Vision ZP3102 motion sensor (which looks identical as WAPIRZ-1)

All other brand devices are working fine, status is updated instantly. But all Nortek brand devices, the door sensor and motion sensor are updated super slow. Unusable.

I tried re-interview, exclude and include, put it close to the dongle. I am wondering if SLUSB7000A has some compatibility issues with Nortek devices.