NorthQ NQ-92021 and Home Assistant

Im unable to get the power reader to work properly and as a last dich attempt im hoping the forum have any suggestions!

Ok. so background.
I was running domoticz for about a year and the power reader was working as expected and reported power every 15 minutes.

But since installing home assistant i’m unable to get regular reports from the reader…

Sometimes i receive information but i could be days between the readings (screenshot from grafana)
Grafana image

Picture from Home Assistant


It seems that i have missed adding the “polling intensity” it now polls as expected.

How did you set the poll settings?

Did you get the answer?, I have the same problem - can’t get data. was working fine when I was using Domoticz - so don’t expect to have a HW problem

I’m stop testing the NorthQ NQ-92021 energy monitor, can’t get it to send data. Is there an alternative ? z-wave, zigbee, 433Mhx or …


same problem here. Only way to get latest value is to restart the zwave addon. Then I get actual value, but only once :frowning: it’s strange and seems to be an addon issue.

this seems to help, after calling mqtt.publish:
payload: ‘{“node”: 42}’
topic: OpenZWave/1/command/requestnodestate/
i receive kwh with next polling.
now I have a automatisation which calls this command every hour

After upgrading to latest version, my NorthQ is reporting as expected, don’t know why - but great.

I assume it was 2021.2.2. who solved my problem, I’m now on 2021.2.3 - and it still work as expected :slight_smile:

upgrade didn’t help :frowning: i still have to send requestnodestate every hour

How and where did you set the poll settings?