Not a designer, need some input for my lovelace page

Hi everyone,

So as the title indicates, I have been working on setting up a lovelace frontend for my home. It is going pretty well but I am actually stuck on a design question (not sure if this is the place to post it).

Currently my lovelace setup consists of a couple of pages / tabs:

  • Home (functions as a quick overview with some basic (quick) action
  • Ground Floor (all functions and entities related to the ground floor)
  • 1st Floor (all functions and entities related to the 1ste floor
  • 2nd Floor (all functions and entities related to the 2nd floor
  • Network (contains battery levels, network speeds etc (stuff not really interesting for the rest of the family but interesting for me)

Now here comes the problem, the home page contains floorplans of all floors. Turning on or off a light lights the appropriate area. But (currently in transit) are some temperature / humidity) sensors which I would like to integrate into the floorplan, but I am not sure on how to display them nicely (temperatures etc only relate to certain rooms). Also by turning on the light using white text would be unreadable etc). Any tips on how to get this into a nice design.

Also not sure should I add more devices (icons) for turning off the tv / google home etc, or should I keep them seperate.

With kind regards,

StaticCube / Ferry

Its hard to get it all in. My approach has been to have one page for things I use regularly and put the rest on other pages. I try to have the majority of my stuff run on automations and avoid using the front end but when I do its primarily on mobile so that has been my main influence on how things are setup.

At the bottom of my repo are screen shots. These are one column wide on mobile. The initial page is everything I use regularly. The rest of the pages are thing that I want to have access to but I don’t need quick access to.

Long story short the answer may be to not try to fit it all into this one view. Figure out what data/switches you really need quickly and use regularly, the rest, put in another view.

Wow, your setup is looking really nice and clean (and has about a million automations) :slight_smile: ) :slight_smile:, agree on keeping the first page as clean as possible will mostly be used from my phone (although i am redoing the office so might be able to get some tablets in ;)).

Personally I was thinking of light status and temperature for specific rooms (like baby room) on the frontpage (inside the floorplan) and other stuff I was still doubtfull about but seeing how clean your setup is I think I am going to seperate them out to seperate pages.

Only thing left to decide is how to actually add temperature into the map (and make it look clean)

Kind regards,

StaticCube / Ferry

I like that theme. Dark and HA colors. Nice.

FYI you have some typo’s in your theme:

line 45, you are missing a closing parenthesis:

      paper-dialog-background-color: var(--primary-background-color                   # Card dialog background colour

line 21 you have an extra #

      text-primary-color: '##03a9f4'                                                  # Primary text colour

Thanks for catching those!

What’s odd is that they don’t really affect the theme. It still works. I only caught them because I was changing colors around for the on/off states. :man_shrugging:

The one did effect it when corrected. I think it ignores it if it’s incorrect. The one was defaulting to white on the top bar so it worked. Not sure what the other does.