Not able to add Sonoff ZBBridge in Zigbee Home Automation - Error shown

Hi community,

I bought a Sonoff ZBBridge flashed to Tasmota, having a ZHA Profile enabled.
The Server is started properly on the device. When trying to add the Zigbee Home Automation in HomeAssistant 2023.9.1, there is when configuring the network just an Error dialog shown. The Zigbee Coordinator was not found and finishing adding the integration failed.
I see on the Sonoff in the console, that HomeAssistant connected successfully.

15:25:45.062 RUL: SYSTEM#BOOT performs “TCPStart 8888”
15:25:45.064 TCP: Starting TCP server on port 8888
15:25:45.066 RSL: RESULT = {“TCPStart”:“Done”}
15:25:48.476 QPC: Reset
15:25:49.433 RSL: STATE = {“Time”:“2023-09-10T15:25:49”,“Uptime”:“0T00:00:08”,“UptimeSec”:8,“Vcc”:3.462,“Heap”:27,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:19,“MqttCount”:0,“Wifi”:{“AP”:1,“SSId”:“WhiteRabbit”,“BSSId”:“78:45:58:E5:1B:5A”,“Channel”:11,“Mode”:“11n”,“RSSI”:52,“Signal”:-74,“LinkCount”:1,“Downtime”:“0T00:00:03”}}
15:27:50.231 TCP: Got connection from

Any idea about this issue and how to solve it?

Thanks all!

In the HomeAssistant log I also found this error:

File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bellows/zigbee/”, line 166, in _ensure_network_running
raise NetworkNotFormed(“Node is not part of a network”)
zigpy.exceptions.NetworkNotFormed: Node is not part of a network

Note: This is the result, after adding the connection details wir EZSP hardware when the network shall get configured:

Seems OK according to How to use the Sonoff Zigbee Bridge with Home Assistant - Tasmota | digiblurDIY

You did not add Zigbee2MQTT too ?

I enabled now MQTT in Tasmota on the Sonoff as well, but the error in HomeAssistant stays the same.

I think on device side, everything looks ok. Right?

The device uses Zigbee2Tasmota in a ZHA config, instead of zigbee2mqtt.

I changed it to ZHA via the instructions on digiblur website

Restarted now entire HomeAssistant and power cycled the Sonoff. Still not working, not able to finalize the ZHA install in HomeAssistant :frowning:

I now added the zigbee2mqtt addon into HomeAssistant and was able to integrate the Sonoff Zigbee bridge. My IKEA rodret switch is also working without issues.

Not sure why zigbee2mqtt integration is working and ZHA not.

I am still interested in a solution, because of integration and compatibility aspects and since I would like to have all devices maintained in HomeAssistant only.