Not able to associate Telldus wallplug with Heatit Z-Temp2 thermostate

I’ve had a Z-Wave setup running for some years, and recently my Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 started acting up. I lost contact with it, and had to unplug it and replug it to get it up again. Finally it failed all together, and I bought a new interface - an Aeotec Z-Stick 7.

To my facepalm-worthy horror I saw that I wasn’t able to pull the network information from the old stick, so I have to add all my Z-Wave devices again and set up everything in Home Assistant again.

I have some Heatit Z-Temp2 thermostats and Telldus wallplugs that I use to control some panel heaters in my house. And earlier I had each wallplug associated to a Z-Temp2 thermostat, and this worked fine. But now when I try to add an association to Group 3 (On/Off Control) in the thermostat and use the wallplug as target, it fails. Or it says in the debug log that I’m not allowed. I’ve tested everything I can think of back and forth here, and I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

Anybody got an idea about what I should do here?

2023-10-19 11:34:26.756 INFO Z-WAVE: Calling api addAssociations with args: [
{ nodeId: 10, endpoint: 0 },
[ { nodeId: 9, endpoint: null }, [length]: 1 ],
[length]: 3
2023-10-19 11:34:26.756 WARN Z-WAVE: [Node 010] Unable to add Node 9 to Group 3 of Node 10
2023-10-19 11:34:26.757 INFO Z-WAVE: Success zwave api call addAssociations false

Turns out the reason was different security classes. The thermostats had been included securely, while the wallplugs had been included insecurely. The solution was to exclude the thermostats and include them again insecurely. Then I was able to associate the wallplugs to the thermostats.

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