I’ve had a Z-Wave setup running for some years, and recently my Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 started acting up. I lost contact with it, and had to unplug it and replug it to get it up again. Finally it failed all together, and I bought a new interface - an Aeotec Z-Stick 7.
To my facepalm-worthy horror I saw that I wasn’t able to pull the network information from the old stick, so I have to add all my Z-Wave devices again and set up everything in Home Assistant again.
I have some Heatit Z-Temp2 thermostats and Telldus wallplugs that I use to control some panel heaters in my house. And earlier I had each wallplug associated to a Z-Temp2 thermostat, and this worked fine. But now when I try to add an association to Group 3 (On/Off Control) in the thermostat and use the wallplug as target, it fails. Or it says in the debug log that I’m not allowed. I’ve tested everything I can think of back and forth here, and I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.
Anybody got an idea about what I should do here?
2023-10-19 11:34:26.756 INFO Z-WAVE: Calling api addAssociations with args: [
{ nodeId: 10, endpoint: 0 },
[ { nodeId: 9, endpoint: null }, [length]: 1 ],
[length]: 3
2023-10-19 11:34:26.756 WARN Z-WAVE: [Node 010] Unable to add Node 9 to Group 3 of Node 10
2023-10-19 11:34:26.757 INFO Z-WAVE: Success zwave api call addAssociations false