I’m trying to backup from my HA that it’s running on a RPI4 into a remote Samba drive (over a Starlink connection) but I get this error:
Logger: homeassistant.components.backup
Source: components/backup/manager.py:790
integration: Backup (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 6:50:19 AM (6 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:05:58 AM
Error creating backup: Error getting backup details: Backup does not exist
How can I get more info about why it’s not being able to create the backup?
The connection is far from reliable and drop-outs occur regularly.
Store the backup locally and use a cron job to start a copy/move service that can recover from dropped connections, (like r-sync with --append-verify) to copy/move it to your remote share.
I’m thinking that my error is due to the space available on the SD card. I currently only have 3.3 GB free out of 16GB. I guess the RPI needs to create the backup locally before pushing it into the network drive even when we select to only save it remotely.
The sad thing is that to change the SD card to a larger one I will have to go from scratch due to the inability of creating back ups
I confirm. In my case the error was due to the lack of local storage space. I discovered the cause by changing the SD card and not by the generic error message HA showed.