Not able to get Xiaomi Gateway Key

No plugin folder for me either


after 2021.3.1 upgrade, my alarm sensor doesnt work anymore for Mio Gateways. the 2 others Aqara still works.

Anyone else have this trouble please?

thanks, this worked for me as well.
though quite convoluted.

Been fighting with this for days and this was exactly my problem (Hub was already registered with Home already). Thank you so much for figuring this out :beers:

Hi @Olivier974, I access to HUB soldering wires but when I run the psm-set network open_pf 3 command it get an error, command don't exits. I have the version compatible with Homekit ( ZHWG11LM), any idea?

Currently I have it integrated into HA but I am not able to sound the alarm. The trigger service only works with devices linked to the HUB and not to HA …


you dont read the thread above…

With this gateway, no need to solder anything…just go to “integrations”, then “homekit accessory” and enter the 8 digit key provided on the gateway or the gateway’s box like XX-XXX-XX, then you will have your sensors + the alarm_control_panel.aqara-xxxx and services linked to.

Aqara ringtone is a service not an integration or sensor. so you have to use it as made for.

But first the gateway need to be add in the MiHome app and tested ok.

Thats all. If it doesnt work, logs are friend and without, nobody can help…

Hi @Olivier974, thanks for your answer,

I have added the HUB to HA, but no service appears to trigger any ring tone, only the ones you can see here:

How exactly do you trigger the ring tone from HA? The alarm_trigger service does not :blush:

I have the Hub added to myHome and I tested it

its not a service from alarm_panel integration, its from xiaomi_aqara integration :


!!! important !!! : Play a specific ringtone. The version of the gateway firmware must be 1.4.1_145 at least.

so be sure your gateway is up to date in Mi Home


you need seriously to read the doc mate… :

you have all explained and some example to test your service if it works or not

enjoy :wink:

Hie !
Does your tuto could works with an iphone because I have no Android to download the old version of the Xiaomi Home app please ?
thanks :wink:

I don’t have an android phone either. I used the emulator for Windows which I linked to. That worked for me.

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Thx @Michaelrch Michaelrch and @Olivier974.

Mine is the :

It looks that it is unupported :

Could you send me a link to buy the good one please ? I read your answer @Olivier974, but it looks impossible to manage the gateway even if memu play.

I tried to connect the PC on the gateway Wifi and on my home wifi. In the both I can’t add the gateway. The only trick I found was to add the gateway with the Xiaomi’s Iphone App and it appears in Memu Android App. Meanwhile I can’t pass after the 4 step :

I have the impression that Xiaomi/Aqara stopped the production of the gateay with the speaker in the v3.

Cheers buddy :call_me_hand:t2:


its home kit compatible, so dont need the “dev mode” in Mi Home app.

Just enter the “XXX-XX-XXX” in HA, code on the box or on the gateway.


With mine I add it through Homekit in Ha but have no service to play the ringtone.

I have no chance :wink:, it can’t be delivered in France for the Ali reference :

Sorry for the disturbing. :blush:

sorry mine is delivered to Réunion…that 's France…lol but DOM…not metropolitan.

configuration -----> integration —>Home Kit Accessories (Accesoire Homekit in french) works with the XXX-XX-XXX on the box

then restart HA, and you normaly have a service : xiaomi_aqara.play_ringtone

thats it

Lucky! Too good Reunion. :call_me_hand:t2: Ok, I have the Chinese version ZHWG11LM and don’t understand why I haven’t the xiaomi_aqara.play_ringtone :anguished: while I already add it with Homekit several times.

If at random on the net you find me a reference I would be interested :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: because I have already returned 2 which were in the end version 3 without a speaker. :expressionless:

If anyone don’t want to risk install an unofficial emulator,
or turn off windows features like WSL or VM,

You could use Android Studio, Android Emulator, and install apk on that instead.

It works also.

Had to do fresh install of hass once again since for some reason I couldn’t access my device.
I’m not sure what just happened but I was still able to get the ‘about’ option to access the key just a few weeks ago on my android phone.
Anyone faced the same problem like I did?
Nvm, just had to reinstall old version of mihome

Wich one did you install? I just change my server so I have the same issue. I tried 6.2.602 but not old enough :confused:

I used 5.1.37

It’s linked in my comment above

Tried this method and also replacing the main.bundle file for the correct device (different folders for latest vevs version). Nothing worked. Does this still work for anyone?