Not able to (re) add HACS integration

HACS was complaining about github token in the logs, so I decided to follow the instructions for changing the HACS configuration, i.e. removed it from the integration list, and tried to add it back (entering a new github token).

But when trying that, I keep getting an error:

Aborted. Only a single configuration of HACS is allowed.

I have tried restarting HASS, even taking down all my Docker containers, and starting them again from CLI, and clearing the browser cache for the site.

The integration is not shown on the “integrations” page (it should be right between the “Google cast” and “Home Assistant iOS” on screenshot above), only as something I can add. Except I can’t.

[Update]: The HACS side bar was gone until I did a browser cache clearing and restarted all docker containers, now it is there in the sidebar again. But still not present on the “Integrations” page. So… I guess now I can never remove it again? And will it stop working, since I have a new github token I need to associate?

Try removing the folder from the custom_components, restart HA and then add it back again.

It didn’t work when adding the old one back, so had to download and install from new. Even after a few HASS restarts and cache clearings, it would say “installing integration”, and nothing would happen. But third time I clicked “install HACS” in integrations, it finally asked for github token.

A bit odd, but at least it worked. Now to manually reinstall dozens of community components :confused: But at least it’s up and running, I panicked a bit when my entire UI was gone because Custom element doesn't exist: layout-card. Thanks!

[Edit]: Oh, right, the integrations are not stored in the /custom_components/hacs folder. No need to re-install. Yeay for small victories!