Not able to send any display on the Nextion from Esphome

My first project failed. I use D1 mini and Nextion 3.5 display. I see lots of examples but not able to get mine to work. Upload the tft screen fine. But when I try to send some text to the screen thru D1 Mini using esphome fail miserable. Been try it for the whole week. No progress,

This is the third thread you have on this subject. Is that really needed?

Also I don’t think I have seen your complete yaml file. Have you looked at the nextion samples I pointed to?

I finally figure it out because all the web sites stated set baud_rate: 9600. But all my basic 3.5" Nextion display I bought use 115200 to communicate with esphome. Puff, all work after that. I see all the logs of all my touch activities. Another thing the tx_pin on the esphome yaml need to connect to the yellow wire on the Nextion marked Rx and visa versa to work. Problem solved!

Perhaps you could post your working code for us as a lot of people do have problems with the nextion.

The Tx/Rx connection is logical. When one device Transmits(Tx) the other device Receives(Rx).

Odd about the baud rate, all the examples I have seen use 9600. Perhaps yours is a later model that works at a different rate?

The specs seem to be here NX4832T035 - Nextion and lists baud rate as

minimum 2400
typical 9600
maximum 115200

All my nextion works now with only changes is the baud rate have to set to 115200 is the default Nextion display for NX4832T035 display. I have not try others because I do not have one yet.

Perhaps you could post your working code for us as a lot of people do have problems with the nextion.

I got most of the codes from internet search.
This is the one I use
It takes me 2 weeks to figure out why the examples does not work for me. After I changed this baud_rate, it worked.

rx_pin: D7 # Blue
tx_pin: D4 # Yellow
baud_rate: 115200 ## 9600 not working

So I take it you are not prepared to post the text of your config.

The youtube video link below has the github link for the esphome codes and the only thing I changed is the one I paste above. The rest is the same and it works.

Because I’m interested in using one of these, I’ll post the relevant information here from the video.
(I greatly prefer textual information, with links.)

Thank you, Vaclav for sharing your work!

And thank you @FredTheFrog

Why people think that a video is a good way to disseminate text is anyone’s guess.

The @bruxy70 github is actually in the esphome docs so the only new info is that sometimes it works better at 115200 baud than 9600 baud, which in itself is good to know :slight_smile:

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Once I realised that the author of that video is in fact @bruxy70 I watched the video, and have subscribed to his channel.

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