Not all device classes available for binary sensor value templates?

I’m trying to use a value template in my binary_sensors.yaml file, but having trouble with the device_class settings.

According to the help pages, (Binary sensor - Home Assistant) there are 23 different classes to chose from, however I’m finding that many of them don’t seem to work.
For instance, when I use device_class: motion or device_class: opening everything works great, however if I use device_class: presence or problem or power I get the following error message in my home_assistant.log and the value templates aren’t loaded:

2018-01-22 12:06:50 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [binary_sensor.template]: value is not allowed for dictionary value @ data[‘sensors’][‘other_presence’][‘device_class’]. Got ‘presence’. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at Template - Home Assistant

of course checking the webpage referenced states that the value I chose should work, when in fact it doesn’t.

      friendly_name: 'Unknown Person Location'
      value_template: "{{ states.input_boolean.other_person.state == 'on' }}"
      entity_id: input_boolean.other_person
      device_class: presence

Changing the word “presence” to “opening” solves the error message, but of course it also means I’m using the wrong device class.

Seems that this was actually resolved in the latest version of Home Assistant, did an update and it works properly for me now (of course the next question is why Home Assistant didn’t tell me there was an update…)