Not connecting to Home Assistant with using the Domain I have with Cloudflare

I’m new to all of this and set this up a while back but lost my setup details on how I did things in the first place, but I have had it set up okay before, all the updates that HA keeps getting and causing me constant issues.

The Home Network with Cloudflare and Home Assistant is great, but it’s when I go to it on my mobile when outside of my Home Network I cannot connect to it and says server error and I then cannot connect to it.

I did last time removed the Companion App from the mobile and made sure I logged into Home Assistant with the Domain I have set up with Cloudflare and went out and tested to see if it was connected and I was. Comes a week later it’s doing it again and I cannot connect to it.

This also seems to be with other things too, but I need to concentrate on one issue first so that I know I have it setup correctly in Home Assistant I am hoping someone can help me follow through on this setup process with Remote Access and setting up my router to port forward if it needs it.

This setup is not really worth me carrying on with Cloudflare if I cannot resolve it, as it be easier to just use Nabu Casa but with everything all set up I’m not sure if this would give me other issues on things so I’d rather sick in trying to resolve this problem.

I also have Dyslexia which also makes these things even harder for me to ask the question I’m stuck with and explain properly, but unless I try I will never know and I hope someone can help

I’ve added the error I Get, Thanks
I will also ask the question in the Cloudflare Community!

Dave, too little details you provided to be able to help. I’m not familiar with Cloudflare, personally I use No-IP. But beside owning the domain there are some more steps to be done on your configuration (maybe some are handled by Cloudflare):

  • my domain i pointing to my external IP address. In my case it is static. If it is dynamic you need to have some sort of client to update it as it changes.
  • on my side all incoming traffic is redirected to my reverse proxy server (Synology NAS)
  • Reverse proxy is configured to redirect traffic coming to my external HA domain ( to internal IP address of HA instance an changes port 80/443 (http/https) to 8123, por on which HA is listening.

This setup is rock solid. Pehaps this will give you some hints ho to troubleshoot.

I have no clue what to trouble shoot as it all worked before somthing changed. I followed videos at the time to get it setup and ot worked dok then, but as you are aware every month a new Update core with HA.

I don’t have a Nas either, but I Ikoolcore which is on simulier lines I think, Im no expert on these things I just follow instructions to get them setup and once setup I forget about them, and this is one o fthem cases.

Your setup seem way too advance to what I needed to do but thank you for sharing yoursetup, which will bw a helping hand me braking id down slowly.

I do have a Https so I think that is moght be my router blocking but Cloudflare is suppose to deal with that not myself, which does not seem to be happing.

I also find it very frustrating that its hard to get hold of some one at cloudflare and they seem to push you off to the community which is not as helpful as they cannot see your settingss like Cloudflare can.

I’m also not sure what details would be more helpful to you to help resolve this issues. like you mentioned (maybe some are handled by Cloudflare): I think the same

I’ve already port forwarding to Home Assistant from router, why I’m confused it stopped working I had it all set up unless something as changed in the settings in Home Assistant or Cloudflare have made changes, so I’m still clueless about what steps to follow now.

It mentions I can only use certain ports which I have kept too.

One of the videos mentions adding in config in HA but no need to if setup in your router to port forward it

I have sent in a ticket to Cloudflare but also not getting any replies from them, and there tel number that is on there web site is also false and not working to contact them,so not sure to just close the account with them or not