Not getting WiFi working on Raspberry Pi 2B


I’m not getting WiFi working on my Raspberry Pi 2B

Downloaded the Image from the site and successfully installed it on a 32GB SDcard. I didn’t set up the wifi during the installation. (nog such folder on de SD card [resin-wifi] as by Pi 3)
How can I configure the WiFi now? The current setup is working with Ethernet connection.

I found this [] on the internet, and followed the steps and created a file with nano /etc/network/interfaces

And to configure the wireless network, modified the file such that it looks like the following:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp

allow-hotplug wlan0
auto wlan0

iface wlan0 inet dhcp
   wpa-ssid "Your Network SSID"
   wpa-psk "Your Password"


Saved it by CTRL+O en exit by CTRL+X

But after restart the file is empty again. And so no wifi connection ;(

Thanks for any help

Resin file does not exist in - I’m assuming you installed on HassOS. If so, you need to put the file on a USB stick with the settings - you can’t edit a file in Hassio…

Are you sure your Pi has built in Wifi?
Specs appear to show there’s no WiFi on it…

If you’re using a WiFi dongle, you should really let us know so we don’t ask silly questions as above and you should let us know which one you’re using :wink:

Hi, thank you for responding:

@ lolouk44, sorry I forgot to mention that I use an usb wifi dongle.

Make and type I can’t give right now, but I tried multiple. All worked before on the Pi2 so I would expect it working for to.

@ DavidFW1960, I downloaded the image here []

So I assume that I have on my SD card.

I understand that has nog Resin file, and we are not allowed to edit any file.

If I put the file on a USB stick,. Do I need to keep the USB stick plugged in all the time? Or is there a kind of ‘import’ from the USB stick?

Is there a clear explanation what I should put on the USB drive?

I only mentioned resin because you did :slight_smile:
I don’t think you’re going to make it work… it’s enough of a challenge getting a USB WiFi to even work with Raspbian… not sure there is any driver support for USB WiFi in HassOS… Regarding a USB stick for Hassio settings, it is clearly documented - see the docs. You don’t leave the USB stick in - it will read the settings and can be removed.

I will try it this evening… keep my fingers crossed :wink:

sadly no succes :disappointed_relieved:

Is there someone that has WIFI working on a raspberry pi 2B and ?

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yes i am facing the same issue that i have downloded raspberry pi 2 model B image from home assistant website and followed the steps but that configuring wifi by usb stick by naming usb as CONFIG and adding network/my-network file and added UUID and wifi SSID and Password and then plugged in raspberry pi 2 with USB , SD and WIFI Adapter but i waited for long time but i cant access from iP:8123 whats the matter can anyone tell me how to connect to wifi if we are sing WIFI Adapter which is exterrnal as RPi 2 has no inbuild wifi so, i this this setting works only for RPi 3 as their is inbuild wifi
How do i connect to wifi

I’m having the same problem. HA worked once when I set up my rpi a year or two ago, but with the latest image and following the instructions to set up a config usb stick, I cannot connect to my wifi. Something is broken, I think. I don’t see my usb drive mounted at /mnt/config so I am wondering if there’s something going on with the way the usb stick detection works.

Just noting for future readers that I solved my issue by adding hidden=true to the [802-11-wireless] section of my network config file (rpi 3; may not be exactly the right thing to do for you). I never broadcast my SSID.

I’ve been trying all night new Pi 3 model B and I don’t see any point where it says network configuration imported. It stops moving on screen with a bunch of syntax some said something about IPV6 not available or something like that. USB is named CONFIG with folders and files as stated on website. Also tried to mount download image to look at files said file is corrupted. So I deleted everything and downloaded again went through steps and got nowhere. So checked new file to try and mount img file said corrupt. Please help what am I doing wrong?