Not Home Zone

I have a sensor in a Kegerator that I want to be notified when someone gets into while I am not home. I am able to get the notification to go off but I want to disable it when I am at home. When I add the condition below the log no longer shows the 9 or so other automation pieces I have setup and working.

condition: state
entity_id: device_tracker.johnny5
zone: not_home

Change zone with state, as you are using condition: state

I think that worked. Just need to test it when I get home.


Your choice of device tracker names reveals your age bracket… LOL

I got a kick out of that.

LOL. Loved that movie growing up. I also have a picture of Johnny 5 as my phone icon…No, No, I’m not a computer nerd.

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If you’re here, I think it’s a forgone conclusion… :smiley:

Keeping an eye on the thread to see if @danichispa 's advice worked.

It seems to work. I opened up the kegerator a few times yesterday when I was home without getting a notification. Now I’m waiting for someone in my family to open it up while I am at work to see if I get a notification.

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That works. When my wife got home she tested it for me and I received the notification.

Great! Now we know where to go for a beer - as long as HA is offline. :laughing: