Not passing an entity ID to a service to target all entities is deprecated. Use instead: entity_id: "all"

I understand what this change is about. What I am struggling with is that I seem to get it tripped in cases I did not expect. Below is one example that causes it to be tripped. Any ideas why?

## Location Status - Location Change
- alias: Location Change
  initial_state: False

    - platform: state
        - device_tracker.johns_iphone
        - device_tracker.kimberleys_iphone

    - condition: template
      value_template: >-
        {{ trigger.from_state.state is defined and
           trigger.to_state.state is defined and
           trigger.to_state.state != trigger.from_state.state }}

    - wait_template: "{{ is_state('script.notify_ios_engine' , 'off') }}"

    - service: script.notify_ios_engine
        message: >-
          {%- set name = trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name -%}
          {%- set to_state = trigger.to_state.state -%}
          {%- set from_state = trigger.from_state.state -%}
          {%- if to_state == 'not_home' -%}
            {{ name }} departed {{from_state}}
          {%- elif from_state == 'not_home' -%}
            {{ name }} arrived at {{to_state}}
          {%- else -%}
            {{ name }} left {{from_state}} and arrived at {{to_state}}
          {%- endif -%}
        who: >-
          {%- if trigger.entity_id == 'device_tracker.kimberleys_iphone' -%}
          {%- elif trigger.entity_id == 'device_tracker.johns_iphone' -%}
          {%- endif -%}
        notify: "{{ states('input_boolean.notify_locations') }}"

is it the script service? maybe calling a script directly was depreciated as well (or unknowingly broken?).

maybe the error is coming from script.notify_ios_engine and not this?

Script has a full payload and just calls notify to iOS devices so don’t think it’s in the script itself.

are other scripts of this nature affected in your configuration?

No only this one trigger and manually calling the script with a similar payload works fine.

I don’t think that should trigger the warning. Could it be something else?

If you can live with the noise for a little while, the warning is being improved to mention the service call that has the problem. That should make it easier to identify.

Found it - was a climate ecobee call with entity ids to target all 3 thermostats…:

Added the entities and now quiet

But good better logs being added as I was a long ways away in my suspicions :wink: