Not seeing zha_event events

I’m using a Sonoff Zigbee Bridge with Tasmota. HA Core v 2021.7.4 (Lubuntu/Docker). I’ve installed the ZHA integration and have successfully connected some Zigbee motion sensor devices which are working fine and triggering automations.
I’ve now added a Sage Doorbell Sensor, which has been detected by ZHA, but I need to capture events from the Zigbee log to determine codes for my automation. The problem is that when I listen to zha_event in the HA Developer console I’m not seeing any output (either from the existing motion sensors, which I know are working fine, or the new Sage sensor).
I’ve configured the ZHA logger as below:

  default: error
    homeassistant.components.zha: debug

Any idea why I’m not seeing anything being captured by the ZHA event logger?

Did you ever figure this out?
I am having the same problem, not seeing any zha-event in the listener.

I have now ditched ZHA and use Zigbee2Tasmota instead. I still have a problem with a Sonoff Zigbee door/window sensor which isn’t sending any output, but the other sensors (PIR and doorbell) are working fine (for now, at least…)