Solved, i thing a 3 srv with more dockers, installed watchtower, thww whatch over check the docker updates every 5 mins!
Solution, stop whatchover or change to check every hour.
Solved, i thing a 3 srv with more dockers, installed watchtower, thww whatch over check the docker updates every 5 mins!
Solution, stop whatchover or change to check every hour.
Set a label on the watchtower container.
I set mine to 7200, which works out to every two hours.
It would be nice if we can login into docker via hassio.
I use on all servers “docker login” to bypass the limit. but I can’t get it to work for hassio.
I tried to login via unprotected shell and the command “docker login” worked, but supervisor says that I run into the limit. So supervisor is not using the config.json of docker.
Do you have an idea how to say supervisor to use my login credentials?
I tried the registries feature with the following, but it doesn’t work
EDIT: Dang it. Just enter as registry with your login credentials and the limit is away xD
Would you like to give a bit more details on what you did here exactly?
Thanks. It seems as long as I have the error in the logs supervisor is not available in hassio?
I see there is a CLI that I could use but it is not clear to me which commands to use to change it?
If the first setup is already done you can enter your docker hub informations here:
user: your docker hub username
pass: your docker hub password or token (if 2FA is active)
If you run the hassio image for the first time you can only use another network to go around this limit.
@huuub sry if I misunderstood your question
Ah wait…
The cli command for adding should be:
ha docker registries add --username "test" --password "example"
or to remove:
ha docker registries delete"
and to show all:
ha docker registries
No it’s not. When you don’t have the Supervisor link, and supervisor docker tries to install the cli and fails again and again. You’re out of UI or cli.
$ ha docker registries
Error: No such container: hassio_cli
and Supervisor docker log
21-05-01 05:38:37 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can't install homeassistant/armv7-hassio-cli:2020.11.1 -> 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/images/create?tag=2020.11.1&fromImage=homeassistant%2Farmv7-hassio-cli: Internal Server Error ("toomanyrequests: You have reached your pull rate limit. You may increase the limit by authenticating and upgrading:").
21-05-01 05:38:37 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.plugins.cli] Error on install cli plugin. Retry in 30sec
21-05-01 05:39:07 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] Downloading docker image homeassistant/armv7-hassio-cli with tag 2020.11.1.
21-05-01 05:39:11 CRITICAL (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] Pulled image homeassistant/armv7-hassio-cli:2020.11.1 failed on content-trust verification!
How is this possible? hassio-cli image is not signed???
What does this mean?
Why are you trying to install that? Current is 2021.4.1
When I start hassio-supervisor.service it installs armv7-hassio-cli and fails with content-trust verification! So I installed it manually. Seems image is NOT signed.
Anyway I can’t see the supervisor on the navigation, tried to install with a script that created hassio-supervisor.service
But why are you trying to install 2020.11.1??